kwei (光影)
2019-09-15 06:08:27Pro-Hong Kong rally in DC against ‘CHINAZI regime’ being sponsored with US
govt-linked money
A planned Washington DC protest in support of Hong Kong activists and
promoting the ‘Chinazi’ flag is being sponsored by at least six
organizations backed by the notoriously shady, US-funded National Endowment
for Democracy (NED).
Posters for the event circulated online contain an image of the so-called ‘
Chinazi’ flag – an altered version of the Chinese national flag with the
yellow stars arranged to form a swastika and with a hammer and sickle placed
in the center.
網路上流傳的活動海報包含所謂的“赤納粹”(Chinazi) 旗幟的圖像,改編自中國國旗,
Protesters plan to form a human chain encircling the Chinese Embassy in
Washington to protest the “Chinazi regime” and call for an independent Hong
Kong. The #Chinazi hashtag has also become popular with activists on Twitter.
個獨立的香港。 #Chinazi標籤也在Twitter上受到激進分子的歡迎。
The list of event sponsors proves that the anti-China movement in Hong Kong
is backed not only by American politicians, but also by American money –
through US government-funded groups.
A DC-based organization called Citizen Power Initiatives For China, which
describes itself as a “grassroots movement” dedicated to promoting
democracy in China through “non-violent struggle” and “overseas assistance
” to “influence” Beijing’s policies, appears to be the chief event
首要的活動組織者是建立在華盛頓特區的一個名為公民力量for China (Citizen Power
Initiatives For China) 的組織。他們自稱是“草根運動”,致力於通過“非暴力鬥爭
Information on the group’s funding is not easily found on its website, but a
search of the NED database shows it received $206,500 from the US-funded
organization between 2015 and 2016.
The NED, founded in 1983, claims to promote democracy abroad by offering
government grants to civil society groups around the world. In reality, it
has been used mainly as a soft-power vehicle to advance the US foreign policy
and military agenda through sowing chaos in countries targeted for ‘regime
The NED is “explicitly dedicated to meddling in other countries’ affairs,
interfering in elections, toppling democratically elected leaders, and
spreading public relations campaigns to sow chaos against countries that
resist Washington’s agenda,” award-winning journalist Max Blumenthal told
RT last year. Indeed, even one of the NED’s former presidents, Carl
Gershman, has admitted it was created in order to continue the work of the
CIA without the stigma of being attached to the spy agency.
Gershman也承認 ,創建這機構是為了沿續CIA的工作,而又能擺脫間諜機構的汙名。[註
[註1] Carl Gershman 在接受紐約時報訪問時說 "CIA資助世界各地的民主團體是很糟
樣做,因此我們創造了民主基金會。" 來源:https://tinyurl.com/y4ermujh ( “
It would be terrible …why the endowment was created.'' )
[補充] 美國國家民主基金會的共同創立者Allen Weinstein在接受華盛頓郵報訪問時也說
到 "我們今天做的很多事情在25年前是由CIA暗中完成的。最大的區別是,如今公然進行
這些活動時,受到的反對接近於零。開放本身就是它自己的保護。" 來源:
https://tinyurl.com/y6dcfs2p ("A lot of what we do today … Openness is its
own protection. )
Six more of the ‘Chinazi’ rally’s sponsors have also partnered with or
received significant funding from the NED in recent years. Those include the
Princeton China Initiative (received $323,811 between 2015-2017), Students
for a Free Tibet (received $270,810 between 2015-2018), International
Campaign for Tibet (received $35,558 in 2015), the Southern Mongolian Human
Rights Information Center (received $104,496 in 2015), and the Uyghur
American Association (received $295,000 in 2015). ChinaAid lists the NED and
the US-funded Freedom House as partners.
中包括普林斯頓中國學社Princeton China Initiative(2015-2017年收到323,811美元)
,自由西藏學生運動Students for a Free Tibet(2015-2018年收到270,810美元),國
際聲援西藏運動International Campaign for Tibet(2015年收到35,558美元),南蒙古
人權信息中心Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center(2015年收到
Other sponsors of the event are also US-based, including Dialogue China
(Maryland), The China Organ Harvest Research Center (New York) and The East
Turkestan National Awakening Movement (Washington DC) – but information on
their funding is not clear.
該活動的其他贊助團體也來自美國,包括對話中國Dialogue China(馬里蘭州),中國摘
取器官研究中心The China Organ Harvest Research Center(紐約)東突厥斯坦民族覺
醒運動The East Turkestan National Awakening Movement(華盛頓特區)