gammer (幹嘛)
2014-05-28 15:05:03最近讀了新平行閱讀法,有些題目還是不太懂,網路上也找不到,希望可以在這裡問問
F) The future, we are told, is likely to be different. Detailed surveys
of social and economic trends in the European community show that
Europe's population is falling and getting older, The birth rate in the
Community is now only three-quarters of the level needed to ensure replacement
of the existing population. By the year 2020, it is predicted that more than
one in four Europeans will be aged 60 or more and barely one in five will be
under 20. In a five-year period between 1983 and 1988 the Community's female
workforce grew by almost six million. As a result, 51% of all women aged 14
to 64 are now economically active in the labour market compared with 78% of
題目: In the future, the number of people in employable age groups will
答案: Yes
但我疑惑的地方是,就業年齡族群會往上下延伸,年齡級距變大,(by the yr 2020那句)
作者: sayhitome 2014-05-28 22:15:00
重點可能在前段,提示=The future...+ birth rate in... replacement of the existing populBy 說的是 超過1/4大於60歲,少於1/5 小於20歲