gammer (幹嘛)
2014-05-31 18:11:51閱讀此段文章,但內容和文法結構不太理解,望請大大們解惑!!!
There may have been some consolation in the fact that the bid came in $1 million
below the revised budget and $5 million below the original budget of $29 million
formulated in mid-1991. However, the final cost was the considerable sum of
$ 24 million, the bulk of which was paid for by corporate and community
contributions, merchandising, licensing, and the proceeds of lotteries, with
the NSW Government, which had originally been willing to spend up to
$10 million, contributing some $ 2 million. The Federal Government's grant of
$ 5 million meant, in effect, that the Sydney bid was financed by every
Australian taxpayer.
1. 付錢的是corporate and community contributions,
支付的項目是merchandising, licensing, and the proceeds of lotteries
2. with the NSW Government, which had originally been willing to spend up to
$10 million, contributing some $ 2 million
a) 這句是NSW Gov.貢獻了$2 m,而他原本是願意花$10 m的意思嗎?
b) 為什麼some 和$ 2 million中間不用介系詞啊?
作者: sayhitome 2014-05-31 20:09:00
她不是已經編輯成黃色了@@used before numbers to mean ‘approximately’
作者: sayhitome 2014-05-31 20:27:00
手機看不到 sorry
gammer (幹嘛)
2014-05-31 23:27:00Hi S大,大概是我電腦版面顯示的第四行:the bulk of which開始到$ 2 million結束的這段話~因為我不知道怎麼上傳圖@@
作者: sayhitome 2014-06-01 00:48:00
錢來自c&c cont, merch, lic, lott, nsw gov ($2 only)全部加起來 = $24m, 然後這少於原budget$29m by $5m最後少的$5m聯邦政府出,等於所有的納稅人都貢獻了some $2m = 大約 $2m希望有幫到~
gammer (幹嘛)
2014-06-01 22:23:00咦,是說總支出是24m,那些零零總總付了19m,Federal gov付了5m,total=24m。 還是說總支出29m,零零總總的付了24m,Federal gov付了5m的意思啊? 有點搞不清楚是哪一種了@@
作者: sayhitome 2014-06-02 00:40:00
:沒看過全文,只從你貼的部分看起來...一開始預算=29那兩個政府nsw, federal 是陷阱吧nsw=省,federal=聯邦=全國。聯邦貼5=所有納稅人合力貼5
作者: sayhitome 2014-06-03 09:42:00
呵呵有趣的文章,960是所有的花費,24是投標的花費然後聯邦給5,省給2,剩下的bulk是c&c cont...etc給的投標的budget @1991=29,@revision time(時間沒提)=25所以說consolation令人安慰,因為投標費有比較原計畫少
gammer (幹嘛)
2014-06-03 14:18:00喔喔喔!!!了解!!!超級感謝sayhitome大!!!(跪拜)