twstudy (Wallace)
2016-02-20 11:56:04基本主張:
play a/an adj. role/part in
示範:Speaking: In what ways are parks important?
Parks play an essential role in preserving natural resources and
wildlife habitat, protecting clean water and air, and providing
open space for current and future generations.
在 Writing Task 2 更是超好用:
題目 應用
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Some people who have been Some people argue that those who
in prison become good citizens have received a prison sentence
later, and it is often argued can play a role in helping teenage
that these are the best people boys and girls recognize the negative
to talk to teenagers about consequences of being involved in crime.
the dangers of committing a
crime. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
(1) These days, more fathers stay at home and take care of their
children while mothers go out to work. What could be the reasons
for this? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development?
Answer: Fathers seem to play an increasingly important part in child care
as the traditional roles of mothers are turning into breadwinners.
註:as 連接詞,解釋為當;a breadwinner <