[分享] 160804 雅思口說機經分享

作者: liamasso (字神帝國)   2016-08-12 14:28:48
歡迎同學參考練習 也歡迎同學協助修訂補充
A person who likes to travel by plane
A long car journey
A short trip that you dislike
An occasion when you helped someone
A house or apartment you'd like to live in it
Will you study with others in the future?
How long have you been doing this job?
What are your main responsibilities in your job?
Have you received any training related to your work?
If you could choose another job, what would you choose?
What is your plan for your future study?
Do you work or are you a student?
Tell me something about your primary school
What are the characteristics of schools in Taiwan?
What kinds of majors are available in Taiwan?
What do Taiwan people think about teachers?
Do you want to move to another place in the future?
Do you like collecting things made by hand?
Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet
You should say
Who the person is
What did this person show up on TV
How you know this person
Why they are in the news
Why you would like to meet this person
and explain what you would say to this person
What kinds of people can be seen on TV?
Do you think there is too much news about celebrity?
Do you think negative information in the news will have negative influence?
What do people like negative news?
What is usually in the news in Taiwan?
Is the information always true?
What's the difference between broadcasting news in the past and in the
Do you believe everything said in the news?
What kinds of news are popular in Taiwan?
Describe an important conversation that influenced you
You should say
when this happened
what you talked about
who you were talking with
and explain how this conversation influenced you
How do friends communicate with each other?
What's the difference between having a conversation with a man and having a
conversation with a woman?
Do you think women like to chat more than mean?
When men chat with other men, do they usually talk about the same things that
women do when they chat with other women?
What is the difference between chatting and gossiping?
Who do you prefer chatting with (or, having a conversation with),your parents
or your friends?
Do most people have just a small number of friends, or many friends?
How do most people make new friends in your country?
Do you think people's abilities or intelligence is a factor when people become
What qualities do you think a good friend should have (or, has)?
Do you think it's possible to determine how sincere a person is the first time
you meet them?
Describe a person whose job is important to the society
You should say:
who this person is
what job he or she has
how you know this person
and explain why his/her job is important to the society.
What jobs are well-paid in Taiwan?
What jobs are poorly-paid in your country?
Do people who have different levels of income feel happy about how much they
What do you think employers (or supervisors) can do to help motivate their
employees to perform better at work, besides giving them a pay raise?
Do you think it is good to change jobs frequently?
Why do people sometimes become bored with their job?
If someone feel bored in their job, is it easy for them to change a different
What should schools do to help students survive in society well?
Do you think students who just graduate should have the same income as old
Do you think it's good to change jobs frequently?
Describe a useful thing that you once borrowed
You should say
what you borrowed
when you borrowed it
whom you borrowed it from
What kinds of features this thing has
and explain why you borrowed the thing
What do Taiwan people usually borrow?
Will borrow things make people uncomfortable?
What to do if you don't want to lend something to others?
Why do people dislike lending valuable items?
What would you do if your friends didn't give back what they borrowed from you?

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