[徵練習伙伴] listening to AM news

作者: luenchang (luen)   2016-08-27 19:55:38
My name is Chang. I am a PhD student at UQ.
I am looking for people who would like to improve their listening comprehension
of Aussie through a weekly online practice. I find AM news very interesting.
Eipisodes on the AM are updated daily, are spoken in Australina accent and
provide full access to transcript. No ad, no signup, no bullshit. Whether you
are currently working or studying, I believe you can benefit from this weekly
practice. My best time for the prac would be weekend morning. However,
late evening also works. Ideal practice partners are those who are able to
speak full sentences and practice at my preferred time.
Here is the link to the program today.
please send me an email to [email protected]/*

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