Here is a question that I always get asked: "Why can't I get a 7? I need a 7 f
or my speaking, but I keep getting a 6.0 or a 6.5. What can I do"?
The reason for your frustration is probably because your ability in one of the
four grading criteria is insufficient, making your overall grade, an average
of the four criteria, a 6 or 6.5.
Perhaps your Pronunciation is lacking, or your Lexical Resource. It may even b
e your Fluency and Coherence. However I usually find that it is the grammar th
at is the problem (Grammatical Range and Accuracy) and you simply aren't showi
ng a wide enough range of grammar patterns.
if you want to get a seven, please click over and see my complete advice:
And please join my Facebook group to discuss this and other things: