混亂的20(惡靈)年,依舊只會feel confused嗎?
留言"I love TIME",即贈最新期全文翻譯一篇
“On Nov. 3 (or, hopefully, sooner after), we will finally get an answer to
the question of what these past four discombobulating years have meant,”
writes TIME’s national political correspondent Molly Ball.
這句乍看之下,感覺不太合語法。某件事怎麼能 “writes”政治記者呢? 是作者筆誤
呢? 還是擬人法呢? 答案是以上皆非,這句運用的是倒裝。倒裝句有多種類型,我們最熟
悉的是疑問句的倒裝。如: “Where are you going?” 該句中,主詞you和動詞are倒裝
TIME’s national political correspondent Molly Ball writes “On Nov. 3 (or,
hopefully, sooner after), we will finally get an answer to the question of
what these past four discombobulating years have meant.”
將直接引句 “On Nov. 3…” (受詞)倒裝到句首,同時與受詞相關的動詞也一起挪到主
詞 “TIME’s national …” 前面。這裡使用倒裝的原因是,對讀者來說,報導的內容
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