考試碰到這種應該要「大題小作」題目,重點就在於「不要想太多」。不然以分配給雅思大作文的 40 分鐘,以及最後可能完成的字數 (大概 500-600 字封頂),一定無法圓滿達成任務。
2022/12/24 雅思大作文題目 (大陸考區) 是
"Throughout the history, people dream to live in a perfect society while they haven't agreed how the ideal society would be like. What do you think are the most important elements of a perfect society in the modern world? How can people do to achieve an ideal society?"
如果沒有時間看全文,可以看看這些能上 8 分的詞語:
■ a global grain warehouse 全球糧倉
■ interest rate hikes 利率飆升
■ curb inflation 抑制通膨
■ the most turbulent year 最動盪的一年
■ one cannot help but re-examine 不禁想要重新審視
■ indispensable 不可或缺的
■ adequate economic opportunity 充分的經濟機會
■ on their own merits 依照個人所長
■ have access to 取得
■ be treated fairly and with respect 受到公平與尊嚴對待
■ have a say 發聲
■ qualifies as 有資格成為
■ allows for 考慮到
■ lay the foundation for future generations to live on 奠下後世生生不息的基礎
■ reduce or even eliminate many of the crises 降低甚至免除許多危難
■ tax policies and social welfare programs 租稅政策以及社會福利計畫
■ a fair labor environment 公平的勞動環境
■ addressing systemic legal barriers 解決法律方面的系統性障礙
■ combat social inequality and discrimination 消滅社會不平等和歧視
■ revision of inappropriate policies 修正不當政策
■ facilitating and engaging in dialogue 促成並參與各方對話
■ encompass 包含
■ free expression and assembly 自由表達和集會
■ fair and transparent elections 公平和透明的選舉
■ a culture of civic participation in democracy 公民參與式的民主文化
■ fostering a sense of community and social cohesion 培養社區意識和社會凝聚力
■ a constant longing for 具有著不斷的憧憬
■ seeking common ground while reserving differences 求同存異
■ imaginary utopia 不存在的烏托邦
■ be realized in human society 落實在人類的社會中
祝大家 雅思寫作 6.5+