※ 引述《ev3393 (Mark)》之銘言:
: 請教大大 我們都知道兩個獨立子句中需連接詞,
: 但為什麼有些閱讀測驗段落只用逗號連
: 結(如下面兩段皆用逗號)?
: 如果英文作文這樣寫是對的嗎?
: 目前找不到相關解說,能否提供相關資訊,謝謝!
: 段落一
: Around 1606, he had studied dispersion in prisms, measured the refractive indi
: ces of different liquids placed in a hollow glass prism, studied refraction in
: crystal spheres, and correctly understood refraction in the rainbow before De
: scartes.
Around 1606, he [S] had studied [V1] dispersion in prisms, measured [V2] the
refractive indices of different liquids placed in a hollow glass prism,
studied [V3] refraction in crystal spheres, and [conj] correctly understood
[V4] refraction in the rainbow before Descartes.
主詞 he 後面跟著由四組動詞片語 (verb phrase) 構成的 compound verb 複合動詞結構
S Vp1, Vp2, Vp3, and Vp4.
所以這句裡是有用來連接動詞片語的 and,但是由於主詞只有出現一次,所以並沒有兩個
: 段落二
: Perhaps the most interesting thing is that the first discovery of the sine law
: , made by the sixteenth-century English scientist Thomas Harriot (1560-1621),
: has been almost completely overlooked by physicists, despite much published ma
: terial describing his contribution.
Perhaps the most interesting thing [S1] is [V1] that the first discovery of
the sine law [S2], made by the sixteenth-century English scientist Thomas
Harriot (1560-1621), has been almost completely overlooked [V2] by
physicists, despite much published material describing his contribution.
獨立子句:S1 + V1 + that 子句 (這個 that 子句是從屬的名詞子句當作補語用)
從屬子句:that S2 + V2
made by ... 1621) 是過去分詞片語用作修飾語,說明 the first discovery of the
sine law
despite ... contribution 是介係詞片語,用以表讓步內容