[情報] 台北沙龍 The Taipei Salon

作者: cs800717zxc (阿饅)   2010-08-03 18:12:23
台北沙龍 The Taipei Salon
Cambodia After the Conflict: A Personal Account
Ankor Wat testifies the past glory of cultural and political prowess. The “
killing field” epitomizes human cruelty and folly. Cambodia, to this day, is
one of the most landmined countries in the world.
Poverty-stricken, war-torn, Cambodians have been struggling for
rehabilitation, re-building social cohesion through creative knowledge, and
the international communities have stepped in.
How does it work? What has been done? Are there still insurmountable “
landmines” in the minds?
講者 菲力普‧裴肯 荷蘭萊頓大學亞洲國際研究中心主任
Speaker: Philippe M.F. Peycam Director, Institute of International Asian
Studies in the Netherlands
主持 郭崇倫 《時報週刊》總編輯
Moderator Cheng Lung Kuo Editor in Chief, China Times Weekly
2010年8月28日(六) 14:00~16:00
Date and time:28 August Saturday, 2010 14:00 – 16:00
Venue:Yue-han Hall (110 Jin Hua Street Taipei)
全程英語 不備翻譯 ENGLISH ONLY
報名Registration Tel 02-33224907 Fax 02-33224918 www.civictaipei.org

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