The violent Enlightened Ingress players in Taiwan Kaohsiung
The agents who commited violence:(暴力啟蒙軍探員Codename: FuneralDirect0r)
Codename: FuneralDirect0r(Enl)
Codename: SleeplessKoyane(Enl) (Koya 口牙)
How did it happen:
Agent FuneralDirect0r threatened to attack three resistance agents with a
baseball bat when they attacked a portal he considered his: ”遊樂設施” .
(Please check reference 1)
Below are the testimonies of those three resistance agents who were
Resistance: StevenNg
When I was attacking portal “遊樂設施”, agent FuneralDirect0r came up to
me with a baseball bat on his hand . Then, he threatened me: ”If you don't
stop... ” The weapon and his menacing attitude made it clear that he would
attack me if I didn't do as he said.
(Later Enlightened Agent SleeplessKoyane wholeheartedly congratulated
FuneralDirect0r, saying:Awesome! See if that punk dare to talk! Haha!
(reference 2))
StevenNg 打Portal: 遊戲設施”時,FuneralDirect0r就騎車拿著球棒過來,問
StevenNg: 還打不打塔,態度相當不友善。
(啟蒙軍 Agent SleeplessKoyane 不僅未勸阻同伴,反而事後大聲叫好,鼓動他的暴力行
Resistance: DarkDK
It was about 11:30 pm on April 19. After I destroyed the portal “遊樂設施”,
agent FuneralDirect0r blocked my path with his motorbike, brandishing his
baseball bat and demanding me to show him my cell phone screen. Upon knowing
my codename, three men surrounded me and threatened to beat me up using their
Then agent FuneralDirect0r realized that I wasn’t the person he wanted to
find. He asked me if I know StevenNg, SoulMentor or not? He also said: "Who
told you you can attack MY portal?!"
(於4月19日11點30分左右,去打Portal: 遊戲設施,打完後就有一個人騎機車出來擋在我
他問我知不知道 StevenNg是誰 !認不認識SoulMentor?是不是他們叫你來打的!)
Resistance: Scarler
It was about 3 am on April 20 . I saw there were many links to the portal “
遊樂設施” , so I wanted to destroyed it. However , a man with a bat on his
hand came up to me and started asking questions and tried to see my cell
phone screen. Then, another man came out and screamed "Another punk trying to
attack my portal?!" Finally, the first guy told me to f*ck off if I don't
want to get hurt.
This was not the first time agent FuneralDirect0r threatened to use violence
against other Ingress players. Earlier on 2015/01/31, there was a similar
incident at Kaohsiung Medical University. (
FuneralDirect0r and some gangster-looking guys who were not Ingress players
threatened Resistance agents, saying they should stop building and hacking P8
farm if they know what's best for them. (agent SleeplessKoyane was also
present, and did nothing to stop his friends from harming other Ingress
Note: I hope everyone without distinction Resistance or Enlightened, together
put an end to the violence, and build a peaceful and safe Ingress environment!
結論:希望大家不分藍綠,一起杜絕暴力事件,建造一個和平、安全的 Ingress 環境!