ott (ott)
2016-04-07 13:53:28http://www.ingressplay.com/ingressstory201601/
如今的XM枯竭顯然是the Acolyte部署黑曜石所致。
這情況有解決的辦法麼? 我相信辦法是存在的。
合作以使世界恢復原樣。 特工們,
我們曾面臨類似的危機:Devra Bogdanovich那Portal Virus的大爆發仍歷歷在目。
In the immediate aftermath of this, reports started pouring in
that XM aroundthe Portals was vanishing.
From what I’ve seen today, it’s true:
we are facing a massive, worldwide XM drought.
What’s going on?
The warnings have been there from the beginning. Hank Johnson and Stein
Lightman in the present, and Obsidius and Cybella in the past. They sensed
that something was amiss. They tried to warn the Acolyte and Jahan on
multiple occasions not to meddle with powers that they did not fully
Their warnings were not heeded.
The current XM drought is the clear consequence of the Acolyte’s deployment
of the Obsidian Shield. The technology had powers beyond what she had
anticipated, and while it’s easy to cast the blame on her and the
Enlightened, she was only one half of an equation: Jahan and the Resistance
were pushing just as hard to meddle with this ancient force, and now we are
seeing the results of their hubris and ambition.
But is there a way out? The answer, I believe, is yes. We’ll have to focus
and pay attention. Great challenges lie ahead, and we’ll have to work
together both within and across our Factions in order to restore balance to
the world.
Agents, we’ve faced crises of this scale before: Devra Bogdanovich’s
rampant Portal Virus is still a fresh memory for many of us. But the
important thing is that we can and will solve this. So pay attention and push
forward. I believe that when Agents and Investigators around the world work
together, we can accomplish anything.
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