這個 google sheet 有整理之前 AMA 中關於審核標準的討論,
※ 引述《Alex94140 (惡貫滿盈的智障)》之銘言:
: 各位版上的大大大家好,小藍我最近剛上12等(其實已經13等了ㄏㄏ),開始用OPR系統也
: 有一段時間了,前前後後也審了六七百座塔,不過對於一些候選還是有些疑問,看到外國
: 的探員們都會在reddit上討論一些判例,所以想說在這裡問問大家的意見。以下是我常見
: 的幾種疑問:
: 1. 中小學的「周邊裝飾」:例如圍牆上的裝置藝術、校門之類的。
: 我覺得這類東西應該不會違背官方「不要擅闖中小學校園」的要求,但是我家附近國小
: 校門口的裝置藝術就被官方活生生的拔掉了,想要問問各位認為官方的立場應該是…?
W7Q14: Vandré Brunazo - Portals that are outside of a school. ie the
school's wall graffiti, or school logo. Players don't need to go into the
school and bother students. Approve or or reject?
W7A14: If they are on school grounds I would reject.
: 2. 「花草樹木」的說明牌:例如只有寫「白千層」的一個木製立牌,沒有額外裝飾。
: 這類東西在目前的portal網路裡到處都是,大概是因為指引裡說「用來指示自然景物的
: 候選應予以通過」,不過我個人認為這類東西看起來就一般般,所以在審核的時候就是
: 給低分啦~
Simple wooden markers are not good candidates; preferentially submit trail
markers with name/description of trail
: 3. 彩繪電箱:恩,我想在座的各位都知道我在說什麼……
: 稍微了解ingress發展的人應該都知道這台灣特產的由來,不過那都是以前資源貧乏的
: 時代造就的產物了,現在應該是不用給過了吧?應該是吧?不過如果是偏鄉的話各位會
: 通融嗎?
Q11: Stuart C. - In OPR, I’ve heard people interpret the “give lenience to
portal spares areas when evaluation submissions” to also mean to be very
strict in areas with portals. Some only give 4 or 3 stars to submissions
that would be a suggested 5 star because there are portals near it. Should
we abide by the guidelines for denser areas or is it better to only give 3/4
stars to these portals?
A11: NIA OPS says, “Each Portal should be evaluated on its own merit without
taking into account the density of the location. There are a few exceptions
for locations with low density that's mentioned in the Guide
( “
消防部門( 候選塔在低密度地區且不阻礙緊急車輛的路徑。)
高速公路休息區(接受: 在低密度區域且有特色或便利設施。)
Q38: Joe R. - It's often been said that portals should be judged more
leniently in a lower density area. Should this apply to a large portal
sparse park or hiking trail located in the middle of an otherwise average
density area?
Density leniency varies by area - provide more specifics for a specific answer
: 4. 金爐:寺廟旁的附屬物,燒金紙的那種。
: 通常離寺廟很近,所以理論上視為寺廟的一部分而標示為重複應該是合理的,不過我個
: 人還是會給高分,不知道各位怎麼想?
W15Q42: Leandro Quevedo - Hello Andrew. I have a question about the opr and
the option to create new portals. In my town there is a church that got a lot
of statues of saints (picture below) everyone it is different from the
others, and we don't know if we could submit and the same for approves. I'm
not saying sending the 100 statues. But a lot of them are really good ones.
Well, hope your answer to share with the community. greetings from Argentina
A42: Yep these can be separate Portals. Whether they go live depends on the
votes they receive in OPR and whether they are too close to one another.
: 5. 招牌:商店招牌之類的。
: 雖然指引裡有說「具當地特色的企業應予以通過」,不過我怎麼知道有沒有「當地特色
: 」啊?這時候往往只能靠交上來的描述判斷了,不過很多人就是懶得寫描述,所以我就
: 常常不給過啦(除非招牌做的很有設計性),各位覺得呢?
: 以上就是我常常見到較有爭議性的候選塔,想到再補吧(或再發一篇賺P幣ㄏㄏ),歡迎大
: 家討論囉~