Tiga (summer)
2019-09-29 10:59:49您好 有爬文過 但找不到詳細的資訊
目前有家外商公司要雇用我 工作地點在台灣 他希望我可以自行負擔以下三種保險的費用
Public Liability Insurance
Public Liability Insurance is the insurance
which covers the costs of any legal action brought against you if a third
party is injured or their property/equipment suffers damage, and they
consider this to be your fault. Most commonly, they will make a compensation
claim against you. If they are successful, you may have to pay a financial
sum decided by the courts, plus legal costs and damages.
Professional Indemnity Insurance
PI Insurance will react in circumstances where an error or omission in your
services causes, or is alleged to have caused, a third party a financial
loss. The policy covers both defence costs and any liability found owing
in the event of a claim up to the limit of indemnity. As with solicitors and
accountants, contractors, freelancers, and consultants provide professional
advice and services which are relied on by their clients.
Even where care and skill is exercised, there is still the potential for you
to make a mistake that causes financial loss to a client or for a client to
allege that you have made a mistake even if you have not.
Whilst such disputes are rare, when they occur they can be costly.
Business Travel Insurance
Business Travel Insurance is there to protect you, as a contractor, whilst
travelling to and from projects. It protects you and your belongings
should anything happen on route to/from your home address.
Business Travel Insurance £2m,
Public Liability (Third party) £2m,
Professional Indemnity £5m
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