winglia (Lia)
2014-11-12 20:35:5610月底買了床單外罩跟同系列2個枕頭套
用生澀的英文信件往來後, 客服回信:若我想保留商品折給我 5€
才 5€... 枕套一組 20€,同套的床罩 84€
第一次在la redoute買價格不便宜的東西~ 竟如此失敗!
畢竟生產髒枕頭套的廠商, 我也不想用同家的床單.
是否有網友有相關經驗能提供.... 先感謝!
我希望la redoute能負責DHL退回運費呀 .... Orz 只能依賴google法文翻譯,好想死!
再也不敢在la redoute 買單價超過 10€的物品了.
==================< 以下是爛英文詢問客服 >=================================
There is the photo see the attach file.
Because the dirty.... I don't want to use this item on the bed,
so the whole set still No unpacking.
I can't trust those HOUSSE OREILLER were made in a clean factry.
Please help me to return, or other suggestions..... thanks!!
Dear Madam,
I apologize again for the inconvenience.
Thank you for the photo.
I propose a financial compensation of 5€ if you wish to keep this item.
Thank you for your understanding.