◢2023/10/30 付 Album Ranking
◢名次 上週 專輯 歌手 發行日 本週銷量 累積銷量 漲跌幅
new 1 - Overflow
ROF-MAO 10/18 65,332 65,332 -
new 2 - アイムユアヒーロー
After the Rain 10/18 45,764 45,764 -
↓ 3 1 The Name Chapter:FREEFALL
TOMORROW X TOGETHER 10/14 26,787 251,971 -88.1%
SEVENTEEN 08/23 26,521 603,154+2589.8%
new 5 - I'VE MINE
IVE 10/18 26,514 26,514 -
new 6 - Hackney Diamonds
The Rolling Stones 10/20 25,889 25,889 -
new 7 - RINGO
ITZY 10/18 21,778 21,778 -
new 8 - HOW HIGH?
ExWHYZ 10/18 11,284 11,284 -
↓ 9 7 Fact Check
NCT 127 10/11 9,923 18,130 +20.9%
new 10 - Re-Birth
04 Limited Sazabys 10/18 8,306 8,306 -
↓ 11 3 THE BOOK 3
YOASOBI 10/04 8,267 100,452 -59.9%
new 12 - Apple bobbing
Peel the Apple 10/16 7,972 7,972 -
new 13 - ザ・クロマニヨンズ ツアー MOUNTAIN BANANA 2023
ザ・クロマニヨンズ 10/18 6,556 6,556 -
new 14 - DEBUT
Kyrie 10/18 6,047 6,047 -
↓ 15 6 miss you
Mr.Children 10/04 5,774 185,024 -59.5%
new 16 - Paradox Live -Road to Legend- FINAL"REVOLUTION"
Various Artists 10/18 5,723 5,723 -
new 17 - BLACK BOX
Reol 10/18 5,017 5,017 -
new 18 - 「おかあさんといっしょ」最新ベスト じゅんびばんたんたん!
NHKおかあさんといっしょ 10/18 4,877 4,877 -
↑ 19 44 EQUINOX
JO1 09/20 4,005 255,832 +459.4%
new 20 - ゆくえ
さくらしめじ 10/18 3,690 3,690 -
↓ 21 17 REBOOT
TREASURE 07/28 3,601 189,817 +64.1%
↑ 22 166 COCONUT
NiziU 07/19 2,112 199,994+1017.5%
new 23 - DAYLIGHT
七海ひろき 10/18 1,999 1,999 -
↓ 24 14 THE BOOK
YOASOBI 01/06 1,966 164,639 -42.9%
↑ 25 57 Unfading Sense
SUPER JUNIOR-YESUNG 10/09 1,902 2,464 +238.4%
new 26 - 「キリエのうた」オリジナル・サウンドトラック ~路花~
Various Artists 10/18 1,806 1,806 -
new 27 - LE VELVETS 15th Anniversary THE BEST ~ROMANTiCA~
LE VELVETS 10/18 1,783 1,783 -
↑ 28 178 Autumn Variations
Ed Sheeran 10/18 1,760 3,138 +888.8%
↓ 29 19 Jump Into the New World
Liella! 08/02 1,495 20,888 -24.1%
↓ 30 22 i DO ME
Snow Man 05/17 1,465 1,243,700 -12.1%
↓ 31 18 ANTENNA
Mrs.GREEN APPLE 07/05 1,463 153,797 -32.1%
↓ 32 8 Expectation
D.O. 09/23 1,281 8,970 -79.0%
↓ 33 5 Catch Up
WANIMA 10/11 1,259 18,620 -92.7%
↓ 34 2 BRiLLiANT
BUDDiiS 10/11 1,222 52,786 -97.6%
FANTASY BOYS 09/28 1,193 4,349 -47.8%
new 36 - Three Stars
AKIHIDE 10/18 1,181 1,181 -
↓ 37 20 THE BOOK 2
YOASOBI 12/01 1,112 152,529 -42.7%
new 38 - ぶっちぎりXI Vintage 3
T.C.R.横浜銀蝿R.S. 10/18 1,069 1,069 -
↓ 39 29 The Dark Side of the Moon (2023 REMASTER)
Pink Floyd 10/13 883 1,940 -16.5%
山下達郎 09/06 881 16,038 +307.9%
↑ 41 43 POPMALL
なにわ男子 07/12 824 495,489 +14.0%
↓ 42 21 詩-80's
優里 10/04 823 10,072 -52.6%
new 43 - Redemption
片平里菜 10/18 799 799 -
new 44 - Canon~オールタイム・ベスト
村治佳織 10/18 797 797 -
new 45 - Camellia
RAY 10/18 796 796 -
↓ 46 25 NEW DNA
XG 09/27 795 36,082 -41.2%
↓ 47 27 Golden Age
NCT 09/02 790 82,795 -29.3%
布袋寅泰 09/13 767 16,981 +54.0%
↓ 49 32 Snow Mania S1
Snow Man 09/29 766 1,047,385 -22.9%
→ 50 50 ピース
King & Prince 08/16 734 362,855 +16.5%
週間TOP50新作品數: 22 累計總銷量: 365,350 漲跌幅: -15.00%