Zell1106 (Sulli)
2015-02-12 10:37:18不知道有沒有版友遇到相同問題,因為小妹ㄧ時眼殘訂錯時間....接著寫信給它預約信件下方提供的信箱,希望能夠改期目前已等兩天,旅館那邊都還沒回應,內心計畫強迫症有點發作,因為不確定對方有沒有收到信或看不看的懂我信件意思,想請問有沒有類似經驗的版友,或是我該打國際電話去詢問呢?(但怕語言不通啊!)
"Dear sir/madam
I am ***and I come from Taiwan.
Due to our personal reason I want to change my reservation ,
I want to cancel 3/25(wed) changed to book 3/24(Thu)
I'm very sorry for any inconvenience caused.
And would you like to resend me the price list ?
Looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible,thank you very much