APTX4869 (果然是個只會酸人的地方)
2015-04-08 06:19:05※ 引述《doyan (BLAKE)》之銘言:
: 徵人類別:代詢價
: 原po性別:男
: 徵 求:代詢畫作價格
: 內 容:去年和閃光到關西賞櫻,從祗園步行在四條通往河原町方向(右手邊,如圖)
: http://ppt.cc/-3At
: 看到一間畫店外放著一幅人象畫作,該畫作跟閃光十分的神似!(如下圖)
: http://ppt.cc/CYS0 (如果有認識她的版友,請不要跟她說)
: 但限於當時時間不足、語言不通、預算不夠的狀況下,沒有進店內詢問,
: 所以,徵求最近有到祗園地區賞櫻的板友,如果有機會看到那間畫店,
: 又有見到該幅畫作,能否順道幫我詢問一下價錢,再由站內信告知即可。
: 由於正在規劃下半年向閃光求婚,這幅畫又是我們首次出國旅行的驚喜,
: 於是,我打算瞞著閃光跑一趟京都(一日來回),專程把畫作購回台灣,
: 但不知道畫作價格,便不好計算需要攜帶的現金,也不知道該店有無刷
: 卡服務,希望有空的版友能幫我多留心注意,謝謝!
: 備 註:
寫信問了 juliamo 推文中提到的 爆笑似顏繪商店
Thank you for contacting us.
This is Hitomi Ohtsuba of Caricature Japan, Inc.
To answer your question, the bellow are the details of our products.
Our company offers three different styles of drawing.
・Quick touch:
This is the same style as we draw in shops, using materials similar to
coloring pencils.
Above breast/Color 1person:¥2,484 × per person
Optional/Background/Whole body 1 person:¥432 ×per person
Frame/Plastic frame:¥1,620 Wooden frame:¥3,240
Commission:¥1,080(per 5 people)
Postage/Shipping fee: Differs depending on the delivery address.
It will be a week until the completion of the caricature, after receiving
from the customers 1)the photos and 2)the order confirmation.
This drawing style is richer in coloring than the Quick Touch that’s done
in shops.
Above breast/Color 1 person:¥4,104 × per person
Optional/Background/Whole body 1 person:¥972 × per person
Frame/Plastic frame:¥1,620 Wooden frame:¥3,240
Commission:¥1,080(per 5 people)
Postage/Shipping fee: Differs depending on the delivery address.
It will be ten days until the completion of the caricature, after receiving
from the customers 1)the photos and 2)the order confirmation.
・Gift Touch:
We take this order only at the main office and the gift shops.
For this order, we mainly have two drawing methods. One is using a special
marker called “Copics”. The other method is drawing digitally.
Above breast/color 1 person:¥10,800 × per person
Optional/Background/Whole body 1 person:¥10,800 × per person
Frame/Plastic frame:¥1,620 Wooden frame:¥3,240
Commission: Included in the drawing fee
Postage/Shipping fee: Differs depending on the delivery address.
It will be two weeks until the completion of the caricature, after receiving
from the customers 1)the photos and 2)the order confirmation.
So, your options will be the three styles of the above.
In the attached file, you will see the examples of each style.
From the left, it’s Quick Touch, High-Standard and Gift Touch.
If you have any questions or requests, please let us know.
祝 原PO 一切順利