Re: [外絮] Jeremy Lin dumbly denied chance to gua

作者: BWWB (RepubliC)   2014-05-03 23:32:17
順手翻一下 簡易版
※ 引述《djviva (淡定~ 穩中求勝)》之銘言:
: Jeremy Lin dumbly denied chance to guard Damian Lillard: One last idiotic
: benching haunts Kevin McHale
: 那個令林書豪啞口的退回板凳不讓他去守Damian Lilard的軍令, 像個阿飄似的糾纏著
: 冰箱讓他寢食難安啊~
: [湖中女神召喚翻譯勇者~ ]
: The Houston Rockets' fastest player helplessly watches from the end of the bench
: as Damian Lillard catches the ball with enough space between him and the
: nearest defender to build a small moat. Jeremy Lin is standing near the
: corner on the sideline, having just been inexplicably benched by Kevin McHale
: one final, fatal time.
火箭隊裡速度最快的林書豪 只能無助的看著Lillard絕殺
Lillard和離他最近的防守者 空檔都大到可以蓋條護城河了
不知為何 McHale很瞎的在最後沒放上他來守Lillard
: Chandler Parsons barely ends up within spitting range of Lillard (and even
: Keith Herandez might have some doubts of that). Forget about any chance of
: bothering the shot.
最後Parsons勉強追到口水可以吐到的距離 但先不想這件事
(Keith Herandez是MLB選手 但為何提他不詳)
: McHale's handpicked defender completely blows the assignment that should have
: been Jeremy Lin's. No question. No debate. Lin stays with Lillard nearly
: every chance he gets during the game. He draws praises for his defense from
: ESPN commentator Hubie Brown, an old coach who knows plenty of basketball.
: Lin forces Lillard to make some ridiculously tough shots, including that
: magnificent up-and-under move.
McHale欽點的防守者徹底搞砸了 而原來應該是Lin來守他的
在G6 Lin只要在場上 幾乎是亦步亦趨黏著Lillard
就連曾帶過灰熊的耆老Hubie Brown爺爺(現任ESPN球評)
他迫使Lillard在某些進攻時 要做出高難度的投籃動作
: But with the Rockets season on the line, with McHale's team only 0.9 seconds
: away from forcing one of those Game Sevens that home teams don't lose, with
: anyone who's watched the Trail Blazers even once this season knowing exactly
: where the ball's going, McHale seizes up. He yanks Lin from the game at the
: 0.9 second mark to get Terrence Jones on the floor for the final play.
: Kevin McHale benches Jeremy Lin and blows the game. Sound familiar?
: Instead of putting his fastest guard on Portland's Big Shot Maker, he gives
: the job to Parsons — a 6-foot-9 forward.
但最後這0.9秒 就算本季只看過阿拓一場比賽的人
都知道球要給誰了 但McHale把Lin換下 讓T.Jones去防守
本季一再上演這種 "冰書豪就輸球"的戲碼
不讓隊上速度最快的Lin去守Lillard 卻交給一個6呎9的前鋒
: And you still think the final shot is some sort of miracle?
: Please. It's just one more coaching blunder. Kevin McHale benches Jeremy Lin
: and blows the game. Sound familiar? It's been the hidden soundtrack of this
: star-crossed Rockets season all along — one a largely adoring Houston media
: refused to see.
拜託 這只是又一次McHale的拙劣決定
事實上 把林書豪冰起來 反而導致輸球
在眾星雲集的火箭隊裡 林書豪就像是專輯裡的隱藏版彩蛋歌曲
但Houston當地媒體卻刻意忽視 只忙著造神
: Oh, Damian Lillard hits a hell of a shot. But McHale allows him to get the
: look — an insanely good look considering the circumstances. Is it any wonder
: that Lillard obliges by sticking a walk-off, series-ending 3-pointer that
: will long live on in NBA history?
沒錯 Lillard這球真他媽帥
以執行最後一擊的條件下 這種視野好到不行
: Trail Blazers 99, Rockets 98. Thanks for coming, your playoffs are over.
: There is no way it should end like this for Dwight Howard, who plays one of
: the most dominant big man fourth quarters you'll ever see. There's no way it
: should end like this for way for James Harden, who finally delivers that
: monster game (34 points on only 15 shots, 32 of those points coming in the
: game's first 30 minutes). There's no way it should end like this for Jeremy
: Lin, who appears to hit the triple that seals the game — only to see it
: wiped out by a pointless Omer Asik offensive foul.
阿拓99 火箭98 謝謝收看 GG
這對DH是很不公平的 他打出了長人裡最好的第四節
而得34分的JH也終於打出那個大家期望的高命中率monster game
尤其Lin在最後一分鐘內的三分球 差點可以為比賽買保險
: But it does. Because Kevin McHale cannot help himself. He benches Jeremy Lin
: for the deciding play.
但就是發生了 McHale就是無法不在緊要關頭 不BN書豪哥哥
: With a chance to set up his defense out of a timeout, McHale pulls out his
: fastest guard, the player who Brown praises for flying over on a defensive
: rotation to force Lillard to miss a three earlier in the game. Houston's
: coach insists on ending the game with his favored, flawed lineup of Harden,
: Howard, Parsons, Jones and Patrick Beverley on the floor.
但他拉下有追防速度的Lin 即使先前守Lillard三分守的不錯
不過McHale還是放上那有缺陷的防守五人組合 包括James Harden
: And he assigns Lillard — the ultra quick Portland point guard — to Parsons.
: Who's surprised this didn't work?
更妙的是 McHale叫6呎9的Parsons 去追速度奇怪的Lillard
: Oh, Damian Lillard hits a hell of a shot. But McHale allows him to get the
: look — an insanely good look considering the circumstances.
: "We didn't execute very well on that last defensive play," McHale says in his
: televised postgame press conference. "(Lillard) took off and Chandler just
: never caught up."
Lillard當然絕殺沒在客氣 但這是McHale給他了這樣的瞄籃空間
McHale說 "我們最後一擊守的並不是非常好" (是爛透了吧...)
Lillard一啟動後 Parsons就再也追不上了 (這不是廢話嗎...)
: It takes one quick jab step for Lillard to lose Parsons. Meanwhile, the quick
: Lin just stands there on the end of the bench, watching the season go down in
: the flick of Lillard's wrist.
Lillard只花了一步啟動 就擺脫了Parsons
在此同時 速度較快的Lin只能在望球興嘆中結束球季
: "He just got a step on me coming off the stagger (screen inbounds play),"
: Parsons tells CSN Houston in the Rockets locker room. ". . . With .9, you
: can't give up a three. It's the only way you lose."
高富帥說 Lillard只花一步
就成功的從擋人的setup play中 接到發進場的球
剩0.9秒 你怎樣都不能讓他投三分 (所以場上防守者是知道的嘛...)
: The Rockets lose in the first round in six games — the same exact result
: they recorded in the playoffs last season without Dwight Howard. What great
: progress did the team make this year again?
火箭隊4敗2勝被淘汰 這跟去年對上雷霆時 沒有Howard時
那請問這支球隊今年到底有搞出什麼名堂 有什麼進步嗎?
: The Rockets are getting more talented — and McHale still has them running in
: place. There's no way to paint this ending as anything but a complete
: disaster. Especially not with Daryl Morey — the Rockets own general manager
: — saying before the series began that if both teams played their best,
: Houston would win.
沒錯 火箭累積了更多有天份的球員
但McHale還是總仔 這註定本季將以災難收場
特別是火箭GM Morey在系列賽開打前說
雙方如果正常發揮 火箭應該會勝出
: And let's table any of that hindsight it's a four vs. five seed coin toss
: series talk. Absolutely everyone picked the Rockets to win this series. Many
: fawning Houston media cheerleaders — including 610 AM's Nick Wright, he of
: the 4-1 series prediction — had the Rockets rolling to an easy first round
: romp.
事後諸葛一下 這是4 vs 5種子的系列賽 理說應該翻銅板一樣 機率接近50-50
其至很多愛造神的Houston媒體還說 包括610AM的 Nick Wright
他認為火箭會4:1 輕鬆打輕鬆贏 小菜兩碟
: Instead, Trail Blazers coach Terry Stotts completely schools McHale. Right
: through the final play.
但相反的 阿拓的總仔Stotts替McHale好好的上了一課
: The Terry Stotts Trump Card
: It's not easy for Kevin McHale to outsmart himself, but he manages to do it.
: Stotts gets Lillard — the fearless point guard from Oakland who insists the
: zero on his jersey is an O for his tough, rough hometown — the shot everyone
: in Portland wants. McHale benches his best chance to stop it.
: Anyone who bothered to look a little deeper could have seen the Rockets
: playoff disaster coming all season.
: Swish! Thanks for coming, your playoffs are over.
McHale很難再更拙劣了 但他做到了
人家把球交給Lillard 但他卻把最有機會追上Lillard的選擇BN起來
這次火箭兵敗阿拓 其實是整個球季的縮影
: "They were well coached," Howard says in his postgame dais moment, his
: 13-point fourth quarter and all those offensive rebounds completely wasted.
: "And they won the series."
Howard說 "他們教練帶的很好 戰術也很成功 所以他們晉級了"
但他那得到13分的第四節 和那些拚槍來的籃板全都跟丟到海裡一樣了
: Parsons ends up sitting slumped on the edge of the scorer's table after
: Lillard's game-winner, his futile momentum having taken him there, his sudden
: heartache having left him no will to move from the stop afterwards. In
: reality, Parsons isn't the one who just never caught up. McHale is.
: Anyone who bothered to look a little deeper could have seen the Rockets
: playoff disaster coming all season. McHale's been laying the groundwork for
: this for months with his refusal to start his best point guard, his panicky
: sudden rotation switches (when did Donatas Motiejunas fall down a well?) and
: his glaring confidence-stealing lack of trust in so many of the bench options
: Morey gave him.
Parsons最後很沮喪的坐在紀錄台上 無力起身
但事實上 不該怪Parsons 因為那本來就不是他擅長的工作
基本上 McHale幾個月來 都不願意讓球隊最好的控衛先發 (指Lin)
他突然恐慌性的更換先發陣容 (D-Mo怎麼突然就不見了?)
而且就算Morey搞了一票板凳悍將來 McHale還是不信任
: It all comes crashing down in the roar of the Moda Center, with Lillard
: hitting the too-easy look and then taking the microphone to scream "Rip
: City!" in the Rockets' still-ringing ears.
一切全成泡影 Lillard在投進這球視野很好的buzzer beater後
還抓住mic 大喊Rip City (Portland的別名)
: "I didn't think this series was defined by that final shot," Rockets great
: Calvin Murphy says on CSN's postgame show.
過去的火箭名將Calvin Murphy在CSN的賽後訪談節目說
"這整個系列賽的輸贏 不是由Lillard的最後一擊所決定的"
: Murph's right. This playoff disaster is hardly all about one shot. But this
: final shot sure cruelly and devastatingly encapsulates the Rockets woes.
: Kevin McHale benches Jeremy Lin. The Rockets lose. The Lin Only Haters will
: erupt in self righteous protest. But one can only hide the truth for so long.
火箭的潰敗 不能只歸咎在一個0.9秒的3分絕殺
McHale把Lin冰起來 火箭輸球
或許林書豪的haters們 會認為是因為林打的不好才輸球
作者: bluesunflowe   2014-05-03 23:39:00
感謝翻譯~~推業界良心!! 連休媒造神都觀察到了..顆顆
作者: patrickleeee (派脆)   2014-05-03 23:40:00
作者: bluesunflowe   2014-05-04 00:08:00
雖然感謝翻譯但你在總板說作者是個big McHale hater?請問這是哪來的結論??這記者告訴你他是林迷了?還是幫林講話都是林迷?顆顆還每個林迷都是big McHale hater?檢討教練就變hater?沒貶義??????
作者: yachuyachu33 (明天會更好)   2014-05-04 00:21:00
作者: bluesunflowe   2014-05-04 00:27:00
作者: patrickleeee (派脆)   2014-05-04 00:39:00
也有林黑 我只MIHA大說的那個FANS是還好 LIN ON FANS才有貶義 不過HATER就直接有貶義了 會讓人感覺是特別黑教練的感覺不過我覺得教練只是被正常鞭 不太算特別去黑他^ONLY 打錯
作者: bluesunflowe   2014-05-04 00:45:00
作者: patrickleeee (派脆)   2014-05-04 01:29:00
好久不見的PETER16大 也太久沒講話了吧前面的空檔可以蓋護城河 就夠解釋了XD板主有人翻就刪了

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