taweiyang (this is it)
2014-07-09 15:26:16原文連結 http://ppt.cc/h0h0
林的好友Chris Baldwin的新文章
不得不說真的是文情並茂到很難翻譯 超多形容詞子句跟副詞子句的 XD
有些地方試著用「"」去隔開來 希望能讓大家比較好理解
目前林的交易顯得有點停滯不前 想必大家也等得有點心煩吧
anyway 大家看看吧!
Jeremy Lin sure to get last laugh on suddenly classless, clueless Rockets: Where in the world is Alexander?
No one thinks Carmelo Anthony is coming to Houston now (never mind that no national NBA voice ever thought the Rockets held a legitimate chance of landing Melo). So Daryl Morey has pivoted to breathlessly pursuing Chris Bosh, the guy who turned him down for Miami in 2010 and seems poised to do it again as long as LeBron James keeps his talents in South Beach.
And Jeremy Lin's supposed to be the biggest loser in this situation? Please. Not even close.
The Rockets fancy themselves as the NBA's next hot team, but they're coming across as more than a little desperate this summer.
Reality bites, but it didn't have to be this way. An unmistakable takeaway from the Rockets' bungling beginning to free agency is that the organization will abandon the class its long been known for to try and flatter any star not on its roster. And the stars are seeing right through it. And apparently going home and laughing to themselves.
The jersey diss is nothing new. It's par for the course. This is how the Rockets of Morey and McHale treat Jeremy Lin.
Do you really think Carmelo Anthony got goosebumps from seeing himself in Jeremy Lin's No. 7 Rockets jersey?
That stunt served no constructive purpose whatsoever, unless Morey's purpose is to force an Omer Asik-like talent dump of Lin after the team finds itself shut out of the major impact free agents. Then again, maybe Morey figured the Rockets could get away with any slap at Lin.
P.S 這段好難翻啊... 大意就是作者在酸莫雷 XD
The blatant, over-the-top disrespect of one of the team's most talented players came as no surprise to anyone who's really closely followed the Rockets' treatment of Jeremy Lin. Coach Kevin McHale and Morey have been doing this type of thing to Lin again and again and again. The best point guard on the Rockets' roster — one of the guys who actually did choose Houston by electing to sign that offer sheet as a restricted free agent — is routinely dissed, discounted and all but dismissed.
這次對林如此露骨、做過頭的輕蔑,對任何一個真正密切注意火箭如何對待林的人來說都不意外。冰箱與莫雷已經一次又一次再一次地對林做出這種事情。這名火箭輪替陣容中最好的控衛 — 幾個透過簽下限制自由球員(restricted free agent, RFA)合約曾經真心投靠休士頓的球員之一 — 被慣常性地輕視、低估,以及幾乎被拋棄。
The difference this time is that NBA free agency is a national story and other news outlets finally took notice. The Houston media's ignored other instances of blatant Lin disrespect — and it largely did its best to do so again in this case. But once the controversy took off nationally — and internationally — there was no choice but for even the most fawning Rockets media allies to at least acknowledge it. While doing their best to somehow try and downplay it.
這一次,不一樣的是,引進NBA自由球員是一起全國性的報導,其他新聞銷路終於能夠注意到它。一直以來休士頓媒體忽視其他公然輕蔑林的實例 — 並且在這次事件裡竭盡所能再一次這麼做。然而一旦這次爭議全國性地爆發開來 — 而且是全球性地 — 沒有選擇餘地,哪怕是最會奉承的休士頓媒體同類們至少也得承認它。儘管他們竭盡所能地用某種方法試圖將它輕描淡寫。
Lin himself deserves some credit for finally fighting back publicly, taking to Twitter and making his feeling of being respected known beyond a shadow of a doubt. His agents also refused to let the Rockets brain trust get away with a seemingly outright lie, coming right out and saying the organization's claim that Lin was informed beforehand about the Anthony jersey plan is false.
林在"終於公開反擊"這件事情上值得一些嘉許,他開始透過推特表達他,除了不被信任的抑鬱之外,那不被尊重的感受。他的經紀人也拒絕讓火箭智囊團(brain trust)用一個"表面上看來徹徹底底的謊言"僥倖逃過一劫,立刻出面並表示火箭宣稱"林已事先被告知甜瓜球衣計畫"這件事情是假的。
Still, the Lin Only Haters try to somehow make him the bad guy in the story, casting him as something of an oversensitive baby for reacting to a slight that would deeply offend any professional athlete with a pulse.
But a funny thing's happening. The campaign isn't working. The Rockets are only hurting themselves with their petty ways. Things are going to work out fine for Jeremy Lin.
Jeremy Lin's Future Team 林的未來球隊
If Lin gets jettisoned to Philadelphia, he ends up back with Sam Hinkie, one guy in the Rockets front office who really seemed to relish signing Lin in the first place. (Hinkie, now the 76ers general manager, is the one who memorably saved the Golden Nugget pen that Lin used to scrawl his signature on that offer sheet with Houston.)
Milwaukee would be a more troublesome destination because of the reckless turmoil egomaniac Jason Kidd's already created with his coup, but at least Kidd appreciates the value of a point guard who shares the basketball.
The Houston Rockets aren't just in danger of losing free agency. They're in danger of losing their reputation for class.
Regardless, there is no way Jeremy Lin could end up with less of a real opportunity than he has in Houston.
The Rockets, on the other hand, could easily emerge from the fiasco, having messed up a good team. If Lin's traded away and another difference maker perimeter player isn't added, McHale's team will suffer even if Bosh somehow joins Dwight Howard in the frontcourt. If the Rockets lose Lin and don't add any new players with all-star potential anywhere, it's a complete disaster.
Jeremy Lin's sitting in a better position than the Rockets.
NBA players notice how organizations treat their players. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks of Lin's talent level or his ceiling in this case. The Rockets' callous disregard for a productive player is what reverberates around the league.
Kyle Lowry responded to Morey's rather pathetic attempt to woo him back — after McHale drove him out of town — by using it to get a better contract from the team he truly wants to play with it. Carmelo doesn't have the Rockets in his final cut of contenders.
蘿莉回應了莫雷那相當討人厭的企圖,為了爭取他回來 — 在冰箱將他趕出這座城市之後 — 蘿莉利用它(莫雷討人厭的企圖)得到一份來自他真心想要為它打球的球隊的、更好的合約。
Who's next? 誰是下一個?
Chandler Parsons is close with Lin. You don't think Parsons will think about how the Rockets treated Lin, how everyone but Howard and James Harden are nothing but disposable numbers in Houston, when the Dallas Mavericks put a monster-sized offer sheet in front of him?
The Houston Rockets aren't just in danger of losing free agency. They're in danger of losing their reputation for class.
What's it going to take for Leslie Alexander to step in? When will the voice of the owner be heard?
Alexander pushed Morey to sign Lin to that $25.1 million offer sheet in the first place. He believed when others didn't. He's a link to championships past.
How low does this franchise have to go before he's heard?