[外絮] Jeremy Lin’s Impact On And Off The Co

作者: djviva (時鼠無奈)   2014-07-13 16:50:02
Jeremy Lin’s Impact On And Off The Court In Los Angeles
林書豪場上場下對湖人的影響 http://tinyurl.com/of5debo
『註: 大家都很清楚的部份就略過囉, 因為那是給不太認識林書豪的LA球迷看得介紹』
『註2: 這文章是來自Lakersnation, LA球迷的觀點呦』
Linsanity has arrived in Los Angeles! If you remember two years ago during
the peak of Linsanity, Jeremy went off for 38 points against Kobe Bryant and
the Lakers in Madison Square Garden en route to a resounding win. After that
game, which I will never forget, all eyes were focused on the young Asian
American phenom from Harvard. Next season things will come full circle and
the Asian hope for the NBA will play for the team which helped catapult him
into worldwide stardom.
林來瘋來到洛杉磯囉!! 大家應該還記得兩年前林來瘋高點時, 那場在紐約麥迪遜花園林
書豪砍下38分擊敗Kobe領軍的湖人吧! 我永遠不會忘記那一場比賽, 在那之後, 所有球
下一季, 熱潮即將重現, 這位NBA的亞洲希望將會一如當年湖人藉由比賽將他推向全球舞
台一樣, 林書豪也將披上紫金戰衣幫助湖人重獲全球球迷的目光!
On the Court Impact 場上的影響
If we take a look at advanced stats, Lin shot 57.9 percent off drives last
season, second only to LeBron James who shot 63.8 percent (minimum seven
drives per game). That’s proof that Lin is a stellar dribble-drive player
上一季林書豪在火箭的數據頗尋常, 但如果我們進一步去看數據, 林書豪在切入得分率這
項目有著57.9%高水準, 全聯盟只比小皇帝的63.8%低而已, 這數據確實的證明了林書豪是
The Lakers are getting an intelligent playmaker who can pass, drive, and
connect from deep. One question that the Lakers will need to answer is how
often will they let Jeremy handle the ball? He clearly is most effective when
he is the primary ball handler, but as we all know the Lakers already have a
ball-dominant superstar in Kobe Bryant. This will be an important wrinkle to
pay attention to early on next season. Whoever ends up coaching the Lakers
will have to figure out a the ball handling balance between Kobe and Lin.
林書豪的加盟, 讓湖人得到了一位能傳能切, 並且能在低位組織球隊攻勢的高天賦球員!
現在只存在一個問題: 湖人要給林書豪多少球權呢???
眾所皆知的, 林書豪只有在他是場上的主要控球手時, 他的能力才會發揮到極致
但另一個眾所皆知的事實是, 湖人這位置向來都是球隊老大
作者: patrickleeee (派脆)   2014-07-13 17:44:00
推翻譯 季賽橫掃火箭 季後賽第一輪遇到再橫掃一次因為要在第二輪遇到一輪命火箭 有點難 只能期待一輪就先遇上當然是希望這樣打臉阿 難度很高 但是還是比二輪遇到低一點XDDD湖人進季後賽就偷笑了 二輪更是祖墳慶煙了 還要加上火箭剛好也進二輪 去簽樂透可能中頭獎的機率大一點XD但是不會用 放掉去別隊爆發 再簽回來 LOOPXD WUL大想法跟我一樣XDDD很難阿 如果是5~8要進二輪更難 XD應該還是會進 但是應該還是會一輪遊 照過去經驗的話
作者: sillywhoever (I love God)   2014-07-13 21:48:00
(開始存錢準備去LA看比賽! >///<)

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