“The thing I like about Jeremy, is that he’s feisty”
有一點我很喜歡林的, 是他的活躍果敢
“He’s tough, He competes, I’ve played against him, as far as coached against
him, in a number of games, so I know how he is. He’s a competitor”
他很耐操, 他很競爭, 我跟他對戰過(當別隊的總教練時)好幾場, 所以我知道他的特質, 他
“The point guard in this league today, on defensive end, is vital.”
控衛在今時今日的聯盟中, 防守是非常重要的
“You’ve got to have guys that are – they don’t have to be great – they don
’t have to be great one on one defender, but they have to go after you. They
have to just continue to be persistent at the end of the floor. I think Jeremy
is like that.”
你的控衛必須是 - 他不一定要是超強的一對一防守專家 – 但他必須要黏住對手. 控衛必
須要很堅持, 持續性的防守底端, 我認為Jeremy 就是這樣的控衛
“And offensively, obviously he can shoot the ball. He can push the ball up and
down the floor. He gets to the basket. He’s a very very intelligent basketball
player. So again, after coaching against him for a few years, it’s going to be
fun to coach him”
進攻上, 不用說他可以投射, 他可以球場上兩端推進球, 他可以進攻籃框.
林是一個非常非常聰明的球員, 所以, 當別隊的教練跟他對戰幾年後