djviva (時鼠無奈)
2014-09-23 12:35:17Jeremy Lin Will Prove Full Potential http://tinyurl.com/luuulg6
林書豪的潛能將全數發揮!! (這篇看的真爽, 推薦給大家~)
The Los Angeles Lakers are heading into a very uncertain season in 2014-15,
and simply don’t appear to have the type of talent to compete in the Western
Conference. Jeremy Lin was their biggest offseason acquisition, and he is
expected to step into a huge role immediately. Lin has shown the ability to
score at a high level in the past, but spent the majority of last season
coming off of the bench for the Houston Rockets.
湖人即將進入一個混頓不明的新球季, 且陣容上擺出的天賦看來不太有在西區競爭的態
勢, 林書豪是湖人休賽季最大筆的引援, 而他跟林迷們迫不及待的希望新球季快點開打
, 林書豪早就展露出其頂級的得分能力, 但可惜不遇伯樂, 上季只能窩屈在火箭的板凳
Lin ended up playing in 71 regular season games last season with the Rockets,
and started in 33 of those appearances. He was able to average 12.5 points,
4.1 assists and 2.6 rebounds per game off of the bench in 28.9 minutes per
game. His shooting percentages were very solid at 44.6 percent overall from
the floor and 35.8 percent from behind the three-point arc.
It will be very intriguing to see what role Lin ends up carving out for
himself with the Lakers, especially due to the health and age concerns of
Steve Nash. There are quite a few that are expecting Lin to take the starting
point guard role, with Nash playing less minutes off of the bench and staying
fresh for the stretch run toward the end of the season. If that does end up
being the case, Lin is going to put up huge numbers.
在湖人的新球季, 林書豪最終會成為什麼樣的角色這點頗令人玩味,特別是Nash的健康
與年紀都被打上了大大的問號, 有些建議林書豪先發而Nash替補好保持健康的聲音,
如果真是如此, 那林書豪新球季的數據將會驚人的漂亮~
Kobe Bryant desperately needs someone to help him in the backcourt, and that
guy could very well be Lin. He has the ability to score at a high level, but
he is also a great playmaker. There have been some turnover concerns
throughout his career, but he has improved those deficiencies and is a much
better all-around player from his two years with the Rockets.
Kobe非常的需要有人在候場支援他, 林書豪就是這人選的最佳選擇, 林除了有很棒的得
分能力之外, 同時也是個極佳的playmaker, 雖然他短短的生涯中有些失誤偏高的汙點
, 但前兩季在火箭時他已經好好的改善了這項缺失, 且成為了更多才多藝的球員
(練左手 -> 練三分 -> 接炸彈 -> 現在提升防守.....)
So what exactly will Lin show with the Lakers this coming season?
那麼, 新球季我們會看到怎樣的林書豪呢?
Quite simply, he is finally going to get the chance to be a key player on a
team in a big market. He was extremely impressive during his short time with
the New York Knicks, and embraced the big city stage and took his game to a
new level. Los Angeles is a huge market as well, and he has an enormous fan
base there already.
很簡單, 他終於又到手了一次在大市場球隊打關鍵角色的機會~
天啊~~ 一想到當年的林來瘋, 我就開心興奮的嘎資窩都濕了.....
而LA除了也同樣是大市場之外, 球季還沒開打, 早就有一堆林迷在LA等著歡呼了~~
He has received quite a bit of criticism throughout his career and is in the
middle of a deal that many view as too much. Lin is looking to take the next
step in his career, so what better way to take that step than play with the
Lakers alongside of Bryant? There are some areas that he needs to improve,
but he has already taken major steps forward since taking the league by storm
with the Knicks and the “Linsanity” tag that was placed on him.
林書豪的NBA生涯遭受過許多批評, 平心而論(in the middle of a deal), 這些批評中
有許多都太過了些, 離開火箭後林書豪現在正準備踏出他NBA生涯的新一步, 而又有什麼
比的上去湖人在Kobe身邊打球呢? 雖仍有些事是林書豪還需要提升的, 但他早已從當年
There is still a chance that Nash ends up being named the starting point
guard, but it’s appearing even more likely that the Lakers could bring Nash
off the bench in a limited role. Lin is going to be playing big minutes
either way, and will be given the green light to score at will. Obviously the
offense will still be run through Bryant, but Lin is going to be one of the
primary ball-handlers and will be asked to be the second or third scoring
當然Nash最終出任先發控衛的可能性依然存在, 但種種跡象都說明了Nash的上場時間受
限制且從板凳出發的機會比較大, 而林書豪不但會有更多上場時間, 還會有自由開火權
, 當然整體攻勢仍會圍繞著Kobe進行, 但林書豪肯定會是主要的控球者, 還會是第二/
Los Angeles is likely going to suffer through another fairly long season, but
Lin is going to be one of the bright spots through the struggles. He will
take his scoring to a new level, and will create quite a bit offensively for
his teammates. Lin could use some improvement on the defensive end of the
court, but he isn’t a terrible defender either.
湖人看來很可能又得度過另一個痛苦的球季, 但林書豪則將會成為新球季的亮點, 他的
得分將會到達另一個高峰, 他也會替隊友們創造出許多進攻機會, 此外林書豪還能用今
夏提升的防守在球場另一端幫助球隊, 雖然他並不是一位糟糕的防守者
Needless to say, this is going to be a season that Lin has a chance to
improve his value across the NBA. The Lakers are a team that desperately
needs players to step up, and Lin is one of the guys that they brought in to
do just that. Don’t expect the Lakers to compete for a championship, but if
Lin and a couple other players step up, they could make a run at a playoff
無需多說, 新球季鐵定是林書豪一個向全聯盟展現其價值的好機會, 湖人太需要有人跳
出來幫助球隊獲勝了, 林書豪就是湖人最需要的引援之一. 別奢想湖人會有能力衝擊
總冠軍, 但如果林與期他球員都能跳出來表現, 那湖人肯定能打入季後賽!
Expect to see a much-improved Jeremy Lin put up big numbers and be a huge
piece for the Lakers this coming season.
迫不及待的想看再次level up的林書豪在新球季的表現了!!! 快開打啊!!!!