Mike_Bresnahan ?
Lin might become the Lakers' starting PG instead of Nash, Byron Scott said.
He's still weighing what to do with the situation.
Mike Bresnahan @Mike_Bresnahan ?
Scott thinks Nash would be okay with a move to the bench behind Lin: "I haveno
doubt in my mind....He's such a professional."
追加Lakernation 報導跟Lin 的訪問
With Nash dealing with issues that the Lakers are describing as similar to la
st year, the question remains about how to use Nash moving forward. Byron Sco
tt admitted it’s definitely a concern:
當Nash 跟去年一樣有坐骨神經痛, 教練承認他有開始考慮這問題
It is something that I am definitely thinking about,” Scott said after pra
ctice when asked about whether Nash could find himself coming off the bench
this season. “Is it in our best interest to start Jeremy or Ronnie or do
we just kind of wait day by day or game by game? We don’t know yet.”
教練: 我絕對有在想Nash 能不能從板凳比賽的問題. 讓林或Price先發對我們是
最好的嗎? 還是說我們就是且戰且走, 看當天跟比賽的狀況. 我們還不知道
Lin: (直接音聽)
Link: http://youtu.be/PPt6ocTVEz8
Lin: believe i could be start in this league, be the best player on the fl
oor at that time
ability to control the game, control the tempo, sometimes off the bench i
s fine
different approach this year than last year
In Houston: I want to be a starter
In LA: minute is more important
In houston, I was start but only play 16min a game
matters to me, be on the floor at 4th quarter, stat shows I play play
er at 4th quarter
重要的是當他上場時, 他要成為場上最好的球員, 控制比賽, 控制節奏
, 所以有時候板凳也是可以
為何有這想法? 因為當他在火箭時, 他全心全意想要先發, 結果一場只有1
6min 甚至第四節不在場上.
結果當板凳卻會上32min = = (混帳火箭)
所以到LA時對這位置比較淡然, 重點是他希望第四節他要在場上, 數
據上說他第四節打得比較好. 他也覺得第四節比賽快結束時他比較專心打得比較好
作者: bluesunflowe 2014-10-15 12:31:00
我只覺得NBA其他球員都要尊重 就你林不需要別人尊重Lin本來就是水準以上的先發球員 跟老納比就算了現在跟任何一個替補比都是理所當然就是了..無言沒有套用~教練說的就是這樣阿~考慮Lin跟price先發防守真的那麼重要一開始就不會讓老納先發了akainorei大謝了~~~聽你醬講有蘇胡一點...
作者: bluesunflowe 2014-10-15 13:04:00
到底有多少推文在罵???一直講開罵開罵..給不給討論我回的是針對你說的請"大家繼續"罵 而我並不認為有這種情況 就此打住吧~~說真的看不出來是反話..會以為你真的是在指"大家"幸妤你後面有講j板我來護航惹 腦袋一定有洞的>>>耳朵 (我超強~~~因為你們兩個推文在上下...會誤解很正常 講清楚就好我息怒惹~~樓下還在震怒 (咦?爆意思是這樣嗎>>>> 你這個笨蛋(輕輕的 (大誤