djviva (時鼠無奈)
2014-10-31 11:03:18Kobe Bryant, Byron Scott push for Jeremy Lin to play more aggressive
Kobe跟總教練一同催促著要林書豪打得更積極些 http://tinyurl.com/pzt66y5
PHOENIX — The possibility of having a clean slate invigorated Jeremy Lin.
No more worries remained about living up to “Linsanity” that sparked during
a breakout season in New York. No more uncertainty lingered about his
fluctuating role during two frustrating years in Houston. But only two games
into an already trying Lakers’ season, Lin has encountered a new challenge.
不用再去煩惱曾有過的林來瘋, 不用像在火箭的那兩年需要去臆測自己在球隊的定位,
但披上紫金戰袍僅僅兩場比賽, 林書豪就遭遇到了史萊姆(誤)....新的挑戰
How to play with Kobe Bryant.
那就是....如何跟Kobe Bryant一起在場上打球
“He’s used having to look over his shoulder all the time and playing with
players who like controlling the ball a lot,” said Bryant, an obvious
reference to New York’s Carmelo Anthony and Houston’s James Harden. “I
told him that’s a big urban legend of me. I want to score. That means coming
off of picks, catching and shooting. You handle the ball and you run the show.
Kobe說: 因為林書豪以前跟喜歡掌控球權的球星像是Melo和鬍子一起打球, 所以他習慣
了在場上都會留心這些球星的看法而放不開, 我就跟他說, 大家也是這樣說我但其實我
不是那樣, 我想要拿分, 這代表著我想要接到球, 然後接球就投, 所以你去控球然後由
That hardly happened in the Lakers’ 119-99 loss on Wednesday to the Phoenix
Suns at U.S. Airways Center. Bryant’s 31 points on 11-25 shooting in 27
minutes offered encouraging signs about his linear progression after playing
only six games last season amid injuries to his left Achilles tendon and left
knee. But Bryant’s performance also served as a stark contrast to the lack
of a supporting cast around him. No one seemed more affected by that issue
more than Lin, who scored six points on 2 of 5 shooting in 21 minutes.
這期待在上一場119-99大敗給太陽時並沒看到, Kobe那場出賽27分鐘25投11中拿下31分
讓球迷們看到了希望, 但孤掌難鳴啊, Kobe的表現跟所有隊友對比起來, 林書豪受到的
影響最大, 這場球林書豪上場21分鐘內只有5投2中拿下僅僅6分
“He has to go out and play his game,” Scott said of Lin. “He’s thinking
too much about the game. Just go out and play basketball.”
對此總教練表示: 林書豪必須得放開來打出屬於自己的比賽, 他想太多了, 單純的上場
Perhaps easier said than done considering the unique dynamic surrounding
Bryant. Both Bryant and Lin are sharing point-guard duties in Scott’s
Princeton-run offense. That system also features Bryant in a comfortable
setting on the post and elbows. But it also creates isolation plays for
Bryant, who took a handful of shots through double teams despite having open
或許站著說話不腰疼, 林書豪面對的可是天上天下唯我獨尊的的男人˙Kobe啊! 在Scott
的普林斯頓戰術下, 林書豪跟Kobe一同分享控衛的責任, 這系統的一個特色就是讓Kobe
能舒適的在低位(post)跟罰球線兩端的肘區(elbow)發揮, 如果Kobe接球後被包夾不管
其他隊友是否有空檔機會, 這系統也替他創造出單打的機會
Perhaps that explains why Lin seemed caught off guard when reporters relayed
the message to him about Scott wanting him to play more aggressive.
或許, 這就解釋了為什麼在記者們傳達上述Scott要林書豪打的更積極點給林書豪聽的時
候, 林的反應是愣住....
“I didn’t feel like I was that hesitant,” Lin said. “I felt like when I
had opportunities I was trying to attack. I’ll go and take a look at the
film and see if that’s the case or not. In my mind I thought I was assertive
and trying to make plays.”
林書豪說: 我並不認為我打得很猶豫, 當有機會時我總是試著去攻擊, 晚點我會去重看
比賽錄影, 看看我是否真如他們說的那樣, 但我自己是覺得我打得很果斷也一直在試著
But that rarely happened. The Lakers shot only 4 of 13 from three-point
range, including Lin missing two attempts from beyond the arc. That prompted
Bryant to take on the heavier workload.
可是事情似乎並非如此, 湖人這場三分線13投僅僅命中4顆, 林書豪兩次三分出手沒中,
“I have to do what I have to do sometimes if things aren’t working,”
Bryant said. “I have to manufacture [scoring]. But I’d much rather have
him run the show. That’s what he’s good at doing. He’s good at getting
into the lane and running it for other people. It’s a matter of him pulling
the bull by the horns.”
Kobe說: 當球隊打得不順時我就必須得跳出來做我該做的事, 得跳出來得分, 但我真的
更寧願林書豪站出來主導我們的攻勢, 這也是林在行的, 他既能切入禁區也能替其他人
創造機會, 他真的得不畏艱難的跳出來啊, 就像抓住狂奔公牛的牛角一樣!
Lin showed plenty of that during exhibition play with the second unit,
bringing a fast-paced tempo to an offense that featured countless
pick-and-roll lobs to Ed Davis and open jumpers for everyone. Lin also
attacked the basket with precision, including in last week’s exhibition
against Phoenix where he closed out the game with Bryant. Then, Lin scored 11
fourth-quarter points, while Bryant made three consecutive fadeaways.
季前賽搭配第二陣容時, 林書豪曾多次的展現出他的這種能力, 林書豪讓湖人攻勢加快,
跟Ed配合打出許多次成功的pick and roll, 也替所有人創造出空檔出手的好機會! 此
外林書豪也讓大家看到他那精準切入籃下取分的身手, 包含上周對上太陽的那場季前賽
, 之後在Kobe連續三次後仰跳投命中下, 林書豪也在那個第四節毫不遜色的拿下11分
Lin has said he relished Bryant’s mentorship, which has entailed providing
various tips on how to defend better and how to play more aggressively. Lin
also believes he can cite on his past experience playing with Harden and
Anthony even if his time with Bryant comes at the tail end of his career. Lin
also downplayed any chemistry issues with Bryant and mentioned the Suns’ 16
of 32 mark from three-point range as a bigger problem.
對於Kobe教他怎樣能防守的更好, 以及怎樣能打得更積極, 林書豪由衷表示欣賞, 同
時他也相信因為以往跟球星鬍子與Melo共事的經驗, 現在跟Kobe搭配也能很好, 他輕
描淡寫的聊及跟Kobe間的化學效應, 話鋒一轉認為讓太陽三分32投16中是更大的問題
“The goal is for me to find a way to facilitate and complement him,” Lin
said, “while bringing what I can bring to the table.”
林書豪說: 我的目標是去找出方法來幫助Kobe, 彌補Kobe不足的地方, 盡我所能
And in Bryant’s mind, he hopes that entails Lin not playing as he is walking
on eggshells to appease his demanding teammate. Bryant then invoked Lakers
guard Derek Fisher, mentioning how he never became afraid in standing up to
him. He largely credited that dynamic in ensuring five NBA championships.
但對Kobe來說呢, 他希望的卻是林書豪別再像站在蛋殼上那樣小心翼翼的在打球, 還拿
了Fisher當例子, Fisher當初可是都能不亢不卑毫不畏懼的去面對Kobe
“We used to bicker and snipe at each other all the time and I couldn’t love
the teammate more,” Bryant said. “These guys are young and it takes time to
understand that. Teams become great by challenging each other. I want him to
orchestrate the offense, call the right plays and get the ball in the right
spots. It might take a little bit getting used to for him.”
Kobe說: 當年我們可是都直來直往的啊, 我愛死Fisher了, 現在的隊友還太年輕需要多
點時間去明白這點, 所謂的球隊, 就是得靠著互相激勵挑戰彼此才能變得更棒的呀!
我要林書豪去組織進攻, 打他認為對的戰術, 然後讓球傳導到對的位置, 這對林書豪來
說, 或許還需要更多點時間去習慣吧~