Jeremy Lin News: Lakers Hall-of-Famer Questions Killer Instinct
湖人名人堂球星James Worthy質疑林書豪是否真有殺手特質
After the Lakers fifth loss in a row to start the season, James Worthy
offered a candid opinion on Jeremy Lin. “He’s a work in progress. He’s a
(two) guard trying to learn how to be a point guard”, he said, implying Lin
is still in development mode. “I’m not sure if he has a killer instinct yet.
湖人開季五連敗, Worthy坦白的表達了他對林書豪的看法, 他說: 林書豪還在調整, 他
還在學著怎麼當控球後衛. Worthy似乎暗示了林書豪仍處在發展階段還沒成為完全體
, 他補充說到他不確定林書豪是否具備殺手特質
When it comes to Jeremy Lin, his carefree, confident Linsanity days always
seem to rise to the surface. It seemed so much easier for him then. He played
effortlessly and there wasn’t much thought about getting into the paint and
leaving his mark upon the game, especially in the last few minutes. He played
with energy and an unbridled passion as he dominated his time on the court.