eileen86 (兜圈)
2015-01-24 03:37:12((總算翻好了 勿轉 若有詞不達意之處歡迎指教))
Soooo...im chillin in the hotel room in New Orleans! Q&A Time...todays
emphasis is on the funny questions ?currentmood??
的問題 #currentmood
Rice or noodles?
noodles all dayyyy
Elsa or Anna?
Will u come back to nyc?
yes, on Feb 1 .... see you at the game
會啊, 我2月1日就會回紐約... 比賽見囉!
Favorite milk tea joint in SoCal?
milk tea doesnt really go with my in-season diet, but when i do get milk tea,
i love passion fruit pearl milk tea
賽季中我不喝奶茶, 但如果真要選得話, 我喜歡百香果口味的珍珠奶茶
Do you shave your armpits?
nope. i have super hairy armpits but the hair is naturally beige like my skin
color so you have a hard time seeing it...lol
沒有, 我有超級多腋毛, 但顏色就跟我的膚色一樣, 所以你很難看到...(大笑)
Do you consider your butt large? #JumboBootyJeremy
你認為你的屁股大嗎? #大屁屁啾咪令
my trainer once told me I have a ghetto booty #JumboBootyJeremy
我有個訓練師曾說過我屁屁很大 #大屁屁啾咪令
Have you had any other instances of being mistaken for a trainer instead of a
player like in NY?
in washington dc they wouldnt let me walk through the arena until someone
came and validated that i was a lakers player...smh
在華盛頓時, 他們不讓我進球館, 直到有人來確認我是湖人隊的球員… (搖頭)
What's your favorite hairstyle?
my own hairstyle...which is currently an out-of-control mini afro that needs
to be trimmed immediately
我自己的髮型阿…但最近有些失控, 頭髮快變成爆炸頭了, 我該去修剪了
If someone dared you to listen to one song and only one song for a whole
week, which one would it be and why?
如果要你一個星期內只能重覆聽一首歌, 你會選那一首?為什麼?
Friday by rebecca black
So if I'm on a 10 game losing streak of Dota 2, should I keep playing or just
give up? Who should I play to best win? Nature's Prophet or Tidehunter?
(表哥亂入)如果我玩 Dota2 慘遭十連敗, 是該繼續玩或者乾脆放棄呢? 若想贏的話該選
哪個角色? 《群龍默示錄》(Nature's Prophet)或是《獵潮者》(Tidehunter)?
you should give up dota 2 and just be my personal human courier in real life
hahaha. for those of you who think im mean, this is my cousin. we about to
play dota 2 right now!!
你應該放棄玩Dota2, 並成為我真實世界中的私人快遞吧!哈哈哈大家別以為我很苛薄, 他
其實是我表哥拉, 我們來玩Dora2吧, 現在!!
do u like BIG HERO 6 movie?who is your Baymax?
你喜歡《大英雄聯盟》這部電影嗎? 誰是你的杯麵(Baymax)?
I LOVE this movie. My Baymax is my older brother. Always there when I need
him the most
我愛這部電影。我的哥哥就是我的杯麵, 當我需要他時他總是出現在我身邊
What is your favorite thing to get at Chipotle?
你最喜歡去 Chipotle 點什麼?
double chicken quesadilla ya digggg
Do you have ugly feet like most basketball players? Haha
im convinced i could be a foot model in my life after basketball
When will u plan to come back to Taiwan?
this summer!
Who the hell is he?
(有球迷p書豪的武媚娘圖, 但事後已刪除)
Lion King or Aladdin?
Lion King. I got a joke too. Why did Simbas dad die? Because he didnt
獅子王。 我有個笑話, 為什麼辛巴的爸爸死了? 因為他"木法沙"(didn't move faster
, 諧音=跑得不夠快)
What Disney Role you would like to play ?
emile from ratatouille
Better food..Houston or LA?
is that even a question?!?!? what city is In n Out burger in?
這還用問? 看哪個城市有 In n Out 漢堡啊?
Do you like turtles?
leonardo from TNMT and squirt from finding nemo are my favorites
What do u want to name this face? Linald Duck smile?
你要為這張臉取什麼名字? 唐老鴨的微笑嗎?
I want to name this the "im not sure what im doing but i hope i never make
that face again" face
我會取名叫”我不知道我當下做了什麼表情, 但這應該已成絕響”臉
How would you respond to allegations that this is indeed your best selfie?
its up there. id say its a top 3 selfie of all time. my dimples are killin it
in this selfie
Joseph has a pair of COOL Kobe9,do u have one,too?
Babylin有一雙很酷的 Kobe 九代, 你也有嗎?
Why is Parsons so attracted to you?
C. Parsons為何對你如此著迷?
he got that azn fever
would you eat someone's poo for a billion dollars?
no. never. ever. ever. doesnt matter how much money you give me
不!絕不!絕不!絕不!(因為很重要所以說三次) 不管你給我多少錢!
Who is the best shooter in your team, you, R.Kelly, Swaggy, Wayne ?
誰是湖人隊上最好的射手? 你、Kelly、Nick、Ellington?
a tie between ed davis and tarik black
what's the longest you've ever spent taking a dump?
great question haha. one time I got salmonella poisoning and i kid you not, i
was on the toilet for like 5 hours a day...one of my worst experiences ever
好問題哈哈, 曾經有一次我得了沙門氏菌食物中毒, 沒蓋你, 那天當中我大概有5個小時
What is your favorite Hillsong Song ?
你最喜歡 Hillsong 哪首歌?
Do you and Jordan Clarkson have an Asian connection?
你和 Clarkson 有關於亞洲的連接嗎?
absolutely...gotta watch our pregame handshake
當然有... 請看我們賽前的打氣法
Did you ever try Nick Youngs pants?
有嘗試穿過 Nick Young 的褲子嗎?
no but i wear tight spandex leggings for every game. theyre pretty much the
same thing
沒, 但感覺應該就像我每次比賽穿的緊身壓力褲
Can you sing?
yup. i once had a solo in a christmas story musical when i was a kid lol
do you ever fart on court and pretend it was your shoes?
im more a fan of the "silent but deadly" tactic and then i run to somewhere
else on the court
If you were a Bible character, who would you want to be?
如果你是聖經裡的人物, 你會扮演誰?
I would be Samson and see how much I could bench press
Naruto or Sasuke?
easy ... Naruto #MyNinjaWay
簡單…當然是鳴人啊 # MyNinjaWay
Jeremy! Please say hi? Simple question!
Jeremy! 可以對我說你好嗎? 簡單的問題!
#2 sport after basketball?
not to be stereotypical or anything ... but ping pong lol
what's your second favorite cupcake flavor on a tuesday?
cupcakes are whackkkk. its all about cookies #cookiemonster
Favorite cheese?
truffle or gouda!!
Would you and swaggy p ever consider doing a sketch on a parody of like rush
hour? That would be just comedic gold!
你和Nick Young有考慮過表演尖峰時刻的模仿秀嗎? 那將會是部黃金喜劇!
oohh good idea. maybe we'll try something like that in the offseason...its
tough during the season to find time to film comedic videos
噢好主意耶, 也許可以在休賽季試試, 賽季中很難找到空檔來拍喜劇影片
how do you feel about pokemon
gotta catch em all! no excuses.
which brother do you like to dunk on most?
my older brother because he used to block me ALL the time growing up
Would you rather miss a buzzer beater or miss a open layup?
投失絕殺球或上籃放槍, 你選哪一個?
id rather miss the open layup because if its really that open, ill just get
the rebound and score 2 points. and i dont lose a game lol
我寧願上籃放槍, 然後選擇搶籃板並得分, 我不願輸掉比賽 lol
What was your reaction to your appearance on Shaqtin' A Fool? Lol
你對於入選Shaqtin' A Fool有什麼感想?
Shaqtin a Fool is like my favorite thing...so when I saw myself on there I
was excited. But I didnt actually think what I did was that embarrassing or
funny so it was a little anti-climactic
我有看過那個, 對於上榜我覺得超級興奮的! 但我覺得自己還不夠好笑!
favorite food in NOLA?
cajun crawfish...they also have this bomb froyo place that I always go to
that I dont know the name of ha
印地安小龍蝦…..但他們也有bomb froyo, 我經常去, 但我不知道店名, 哈。
THANKS everyone hahahah that was fun. Gonna go play Dota 2 and get some
rest!! Gnight everybody!
感謝大家, 今晚很開心, 哈哈哈。睡前來玩一下Dota2!晚安!