[外絮] JLin Response

作者: akainorei (赤いの靈)   2015-01-26 09:52:43
From Serena Winters Twitter
Jeremy Lin asked if not playing was disheartening: "I don't think anybody
would feel great after a DNP in the NBA, no matter who you are."
J. Lin continued: "I'm human for sure. I've got emotions too, definitely
hurts. It's discouraging sometimes. All those emotions of course."
JLin 說: 不論任何人被DNP後感覺會好的, 我也是人也有情緒
真的很痛, 有時候很讓人洩氣, 諸如此類的情緒
我猜今天再DNP, Lin應該就會有動作了
作者: testwindraja (時間不等人 早起最好)   2015-01-26 09:56:00
這種時候我就很擔心他孱弱的經紀人= =;雖然事後看看, 原本經紀人的想法完全政治正確當年入了邪惡帝國至少有個超硬後台靠

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