Wusholy (p p p )
2015-01-27 20:27:35※ 引述《senaswong (senaswong)》之銘言:
: *這篇國外視為林迷必讀且被放在Lin的部落格, 所以特別想翻一下:
: (趕時間有錯請指正)
: 原文: http://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/01/nba-jeremy-lin-linsanity-lakers-kobe-bryant-injury
: It's time for the Lakers to turn to Jeremy Lin
: By: Adi Joseph
: The Los Angeles Lakers have entered the post-Kobe Bryant part of the schedule
: again this season, as the All-Star shooting guard prepares for shoulder
: surgery that likely will end his season. Yet they still have 37 games to play.
: Leave it to Nick Young to present an easy solution, the one you’d expect
: Nick Young to suggest: Nick Young. He’s an easy option, a player popular
: enough to make all the losing tenable enough for fans who can look forward to
: a top-five draft pick. (The Lakers owe their 2015 first-rounder to the
: Phoenix Suns if it falls out of the top five, but they are building a good
: lead on the fourth-worst record in the NBA.)
: Then there’s the other option for replacement-star, the one whose fan base
: dwarfs even the “Swaggy P” hordes and who has shown magic in a lead role in
: the past. There’s Jeremy Lin.
: 隨著全明星SG Kobe即將做手術,湖人已經再次進入後Kobe時代的部分賽程,剩下37場
: 比賽。 Nick Young夠受歡迎,可以是一個很簡單的站得住腳的選擇,對於那些期待有
: 前五籤的球迷。 然而也有另外一個替代明星的選擇,那就是擁有比Young還更龐大球迷,
: 曾經展現過像魔法一樣的領導者 - Jeremy Lin。
: Lakers coach Byron Scott chose not to play Lin against the San Antonio Spurs
: on Friday, in the first game after Bryant tore his rotator cuff. He didn’t
: explain much, and Lin left the locker room in a hurry after not playing for
: the first time in three years, according to The Associated Press. But Lin was
: back in the rotation Sunday at the Houston Rockets.
: And here’s the thing: He was good. Lin put up 14 points and six assists,
: playing aggressively and helping the Lakers stay plus 2 in 28 minutes with
: with him on the court, while they were minus 14 in the other 20 minutes with
: rookie Jordan Clarkson and journeyman Ronnie Price running the offense.
: 湖人教練史考特選擇在對馬刺時不讓Lin出賽,在Kobe傳出傷勢的第一場比賽。他沒有
: 解釋太多,而Lin在三年來的第一次DNP賽後匆匆離開休息室。但是Lin在下一場對上火
: 箭時有出賽,他表現得很好很具侵略性,14分6助攻28分鐘內+-值+2,同時菜鳥Jordan
: Clarkson和浪人Ronnie Price是20分鐘-14。Mark Medina推特: Lin今天很有侵略性,
: 目前看起來不錯。
: Lin is better than Clarkson and Price. It’s not even debatable. Price has
: been in the NBA for nine years but never played as much as he has this
: season, averaging 22.9 minutes a game despite shooting 35.2% from the field.
: He’s a lifelong third-stringer, a great guy to have on your team as long as
: you don’t have to rely on him. And Clarkson is a rookie, a second-round pick
: who had first-round talent but needs to improve his decision-making and
: shooting.
: But we’re three years removed from “Linsanity,” the devolving circus that
: hit Madison Square Garden with fury in February 2012. Lin was an unknown for
: the New York Knicks then, thrust into the star role by a rash of injuries and
: doing what came naturally. Defenses since have adjusted, not let him use his
: natural size and strength advantages against point guards. He hasn’t been
: great in the years since, be it with the Houston Rockets for two years or the
: Lakers this season.
: Lin was never meant to be a role player. He was never meant to play off a
: ball-dominant star, such as Bryant or James Harden or Carmelo Anthony. His
: drives during “Linsanity” were reckless and dynamic and didn’t often
: involve lifting his head up to find an open teammate. But they were thrilling
: and successful for some of those same reasons. Put next to star shooting
: guards the past three seasons, he has faded into the bench behind less
: talented but more stable point guards. Baxter Holmes: Jeremy Lin: "In terms
: of my career, the only thing that's really been consistent is the amount of
: inconsistency that I've had in my life."
: Lin比JC和RP好,這甚至不用經過辯論,RP在NBA已經9年,這賽季是他出場時數最高:
: 22.9分鐘即使命中率是35.2%。他是一直是一個三線球員,當你的球隊不需要依靠他
: 時,他是一個很好的選擇。JC是一個擁有一輪天分的二輪rookie,不過他需要改變
: 他的出手選擇和投籃。但我們現在距離2012年的林來瘋風暴已有三年。Lin當時並不
: 為人所知,在一連串傷病躍上了明星的角色,一切是那麼順理成章。但之後自從年在
: 火箭和現在的湖人他的防守被調整,不讓他用自然的優勢(體型和力量)去打PG,他就
: 沒像在紐約好了。Lin天生就不是一個角色球員,也不是一個球霸像Kobe, Harden,
: Carmelo Anthony。在林來瘋時代他的切入是那麼義無反顧強而有力,他也沒有特別
: 考慮去傳球。但它們卻是那麼令人激動且成功。然而至於明星SG旁的過去三年,他已然
: 失色變成沒那麼有天份但穩定的板凳。Baxter Holmes推特: 我的職業生涯裡唯一穩定
: 的是過去生命中經歷的許多不穩定。
: He’s a smarter player now. (There’s a Harvard joke to be made here.) Lin
: has greatly improved his shooting range (career-best 36.3% on threes this
: season) and reduced his turnover rate (from 21.4% in 2011-12 to 19.2% this
: season). He probably is taking too many midrange jump shots this season, but
: that’s a function of Scott’s offensive philosophy more than anything.
: Lin is the player the Lakers need right now, need if they’re going to stay
: competitive with a roster that looks like a No. 8 seed’s bench. He’s not
: Bryant, but he is more amenable and humble, and letting him run the show
: could open things up for big men Jordan Hill, Ed Davis and Tarik Black.
: 他是一個更聰明的球員。Lin的投籃進步了(36.3%三分命中率生涯新高),且減少了失
: 誤率(21.4% 2011-12到19.2%本季)。他這賽季可能投了太多的中距離,但這是史考特
: 的進攻哲學沒別的。Lin是湖人現在需要的球員,如果湖人想要有競爭力,有看起來
: 像第八種子的板凳。他不是Kobe,但他更順從更謙遜,讓他主導可以開啟那些大個子-
: Jordan Hill, Ed Davis和Rarik Black。
: And Young will get his. That’s never an issue, really. He’s taking the shot
: whenever he touches the ball, and he could play well off of Lin if defenses
: collapse. The Lakers actually have a handful of useful shooters in that role,
: and a Lin-centered offense could benefit Wayne Ellington and Wesley Johnson
: quite a bit. Moreover, Young as the focal point is a recipe for havoc and
: contention. Lin won’t ever be mistaken for Kendall Marshall, but he does
: pass.
: The Lakers are going to lose no matter who they put on the court right now.
: The first-round pick probably isn’t in grave danger, but losing enough to
: pass the 7-36 Minnesota Timberwolves, 8-37 Knicks or 8-36 Philadelphia 76ers
: may not be plausible. They have a two-game cushion for the fourth-worst
: record on the Orlando Magic, a young team that should improve in the second
: half.
: Even when tanking, coaches and players will try. There are consequences to
: creating a losing culture for an extended period of time, particularly for
: young players. The Lakers are in a position to try to figure out what they
: have, and Lin might be the best of that bunch.
: Of course all of this asks Scott to think like Mike D’Antoni, the coach he
: replaced in Los Angeles who also was Lin’s coach for that magic run with the
: Knicks. Lakers fans didn’t much care for D’Antoni, with reason: He didn’t
: fit what they had (Pau Gasol, in particular). That’s where Lin has been for
: most of this season, a player who simply made no sense running with Bryant.
: But Bryant likely is done for the season.
: And the Lakers need an identity.
: And Lin’s been waiting, for three years.
: Young可以是搭配的, 不會是個問題,他拿到球就投,在Lin打不好防守崩塌時。且湖人
: 有許多這樣的射手,以林為中心的進攻會受益Wayne Ellington和Wesley Johnson。Young
: 是亂仗的好手,Lin不是砍豆,但他確實也會傳球。湖人現在不管放誰就是要輸,第一輪
: 籤可能不會危及,但輸給尼克,灰狼,和76人有點不大可能,他們離魔術第四爛的戰績
: 只有兩場,下半賽季這些年輕球員需要改進。即使擺爛,教練球員也會努力,他們最終
: 會製造一個輸球文化,特別是對這些年輕人。湖人需要試圖去看看他們有什麼,Lin可能
: 是這些人中最好的。當然這得要求史考特像丹東尼樣的思考,不過湖人球迷不大在乎丹
: 東尼,因為他不適合之前的球員(尤其Pau),這就像Lin現在在湖人一樣不適合跟Kobe搭配
: ,但是Kobe已經休息了,湖人需要一個調性,而Lin,已經等了三年。
: 感想: 有夢最美 / 不過這篇上了USA Today頭條表示很多人都知道Lin的處境,
: 也明白他還是原本的他甚至更進步,但無奈不穩定的環境.....
除了球員得利 沒任何好處
越傳越有競爭力 似乎找到贏球方法