djviva (時鼠無奈)
2015-03-26 11:22:09推 allofme : @SerenaWinters: Paul Pressey (on TWC) said Jerem 03/26 10:58
→ allofme : y Lin played well, but when asked why he didn't 03/26 10:58
→ allofme : play Lin in overtime, said he "just went with h 03/26 10:58
→ allofme : is gut."
go with gut意思是to trust your feelings when deciding what to do
這就很明顯了, Paul Pressey是說林書豪打的很出色, 但延長賽沒讓林上場是因為他
只是單純follow自己想的去做, 他沒想讓林上去打的意思, 無論林第三節多出色
連瞎掰的理由都沒了, 連什麼energy的鳥理由都懶得掰
note 1: 敗總將能用球員一一調去,只推屯田;吩咐:如敵隊來戰,只許詐敗