有誰全翻一下吧 (我兒子剛睡醒 orz)
基本上林從替補出發、教練重防守林會進步. 教練跟Nash合作過所以對林會有很好的幫助
The Hornets signed free agent guard Jeremy Lin on July 9, 2015. The following
is the transcript from General Manager Rich Cho’s conference call with the
media after Lin’s signing.
Cho opening statement:
We’re really excited to add Jeremy to our team. He gives us a different
dimension to our point guard spot. He has experience in the league. He’s a
good ball-handler. We’re really excited to add him to our lineup.
在控衛上他增加了我們的多樣性. 他在這聯盟有經驗, 很好的運球者
On what makes him different as a point guard:
One thing he can really do is get into the paint. I think with our second unit
that’s important because he can create shots for others. We’ve got several
guys in our second unit that will benefit from that whether it’s Jeremy Lamb
or Spencer Hawes, Frank Kaminsky, Marvin Williams, all those guys will benefit
from a guy who can get in the lane and create shots for others.
攻擊籃框進入油漆區是林的強項, 我想我們的第二陣容, 他這項技能很重要
因為他可以打開其他人的射球機會空間. 第二陣容有很多人, 像是Lamb, Hawes,
Kaminsky, Marvin 都會因此受益.
On the importance of getting this deal done on the first day of free agency:
It was important. We’ve been looking to get more depth in our backcourt and we
feel really good about deciding to do this. I think he’s going to bring some
energy to our backcourt and our second unit. He’ll be a great addition.
在第一天就敲定林的合約很重要, 我們一直想增加後場的深度
所以決定簽下林讓我們感覺很好. 我認為他可以對我們的後場跟第二陣
增加能量, 他是一個很棒的新援
On if there is any concern that by getting better offensively, the Hornets
might be sacrificing defensively:
One thing that Coach Clifford and our coaching staff do a great job of is
getting our team to play great team defense, and coach has always had good
defensive teams. He’ll get these guys to play good defense. We’ve made an
effort to upgrade the offense and there’s probably always going to be a little
bit of tradeoff, but I’m confident that our coaching staff will get our guys
to play good defense still.
教練他一直有一個很好的防守隊伍, 他會讓隊員做好防守的
我們努力升級我們的進攻, 所以是會有一點犧牲交換防守
On if the Hornets are done in free agency now:
There’s still potential to do something else. We’re still looking at a couple
of things. We’re not entirely done yet.
FA還沒結束, 我們還在看一些球員
On what part of Lin’s game he thinks will improve the most under Coach
I think a couple of things: one, I think his defense will improve because Coach
Clifford is a defensive-oriented coach who has had a lot of success with his
team in the past defensively. Coach has also worked with a lot of really good
point guards in the past, like Steve Nash, so I think that background with
coach on the defensive end and offensive end will help Jeremy.
林在Coach Clifford 會進步那些地方?
一些地方: 1 - 他的防守會進步因為教練是注重防守的, 在過去也因為防守得到很多成功
2 - 教練也曾經跟很多很棒的控衛合作過, 像是Nash
On if he expects to wait for the market to settle down before jumping back into
free agency:
We’re still looking around right now and we aren’t going to wait a long time.
I think if the opportunity presented itself then we’ll do something.
我們還在看, 我們不會等太久, 如果有機會就會下手
最終都是回歸到場上表現, 等開季看球吧從現象看, 至少是反映出去年的表現讓各家都認為 Lin只值這金額... (2y 43x, 非1+1)說再多都不如到時候 好好看球跟 Lin表現出色冏 跟不能接受是人性, 接受然後持續走下去是人生...我覺得可以這樣看 [以Lin的綜合評估 (錢+前<景>),這張就是現存的頂約]看到的約 他好像是簽兩年... 明年沒得重談也是 :P 官媒都還找不到消息還沒打都不用想這種啦, 去年想很多, 阿結果...