[外絮] 鬍子"巨星級"的演出率隊擊敗黃蜂

作者: djviva (時鼠無奈)   2015-12-22 16:48:35
看了標題請先別噓, 客官們請往下看內文~~ (官網at the hive的文章)
Charlotte Hornets defeated by Houston Rockets 95-102 behind James Harden's
superstar performance http://tinyurl.com/zfesn9q
在大鬍子今日巨星級的表現下, 黃蜂95-102輸給了火箭
In one of the ugliest games we've seen the Hornets play in a while, James
Harden dominated the game, forcing the Hornets into foul trouble, and earning
the win for the Rockets.
這是一場我們看過的黃蜂打過最難看的比賽, 鬍子主宰了比賽, 迫使蜂群們紛紛陷入
犯規麻煩, 然後火箭贏得了比賽
Superstar players find ways to have their performances matter most in games.
You've likely heard some variation on that cliche hundreds, if not thousands
of times, by ESPN commentators, armchair analysts, amateur coaches, and Kobe
fans. But at a certain point, it becomes a true statement.
球星們往往會在關鍵時刻跳出來, 以自己的方式來主宰比賽, 這個大夥都看過很多次
Take, for example, James Harden. In one of the ugliest, most brutal, most
excruciating games the NBA will ever have to offer, the Houston Rockets
superstar player took over the game. Not necessarily through shooting (a
9-for-16 line, while very good, isn't necessarily takeover material), or
through facilitation of his team's offense (seven assists as the primary, if
not only, ballhandler is good, but we've all seen better), but through brute
force. Yes, I'm referring to his 16-19 mark from the free throw line.
以大鬍子哈登為例, 這位火箭隊的球星今天就用最難看 & 最野蠻 & 最讓人看不下去
的方式, 主宰了今天的比賽. 不需要透過他的出手跳投, 雖然他今天有16投9中, 但
只是不錯可還算不上統治性的表現; 也不是經由鬍子讓火箭團隊攻勢爆發出來, 他今
天只有7次助攻, 還不錯但我們全都看過更好的; 是的, 他是透過野蠻的買犯, 是的,
Oh, sure, he got bailed out a couple times, but it's not as if the calls were
inconsistent. In fact, the only thing that was consistent about this game
were whistles. There were 60 fouls called over the course of the game, which
is an absurd number. It's one every 48 seconds. That's how many fouls were
called. It was only partially because of Harden, but it's not as if the best
foul-drawer in the NBA had nothing to do with that number. Harden was the
player who best used those calls to his advantage, too. It's like they all
said: superstars just find a way to win.
裁判今天的吹判尺度飄來飄去, 唯一穩定的就只有不時響起的哨音, 觀眾朋友啊, 總共
吹判了60次犯規啊!! 太荒謬了吧, 幾乎就是每48秒響哨一次耶, 只有少部分是因為鬍
子, 但這不是因為NBA最強買飯手今天心軟不想多買飯, Hardan是聯盟最擅長利用罰球
優勢的球員, 但真相更像是裁判們臉上都寫著"他是球星, 他會在關鍵時刻用他的方式
As far as the Charlotte Hornets are concerned, well, they struggled to adapt.
The team shot .293 from three, one of their worst marks of the year, and a
ghastly .349 from the floor, which does nothing but give me flashbacks to
Byron Mullens. A couple perimeter players played well - Jeremy Lin played
efficient offense when on the floor (he was in foul trouble early and often,
picking up three fouls within his first three minutes on the court), Kemba
Walker helped the offense as much as he could (being forced to play with a
tepid Nicolas Batum, an ice-cold Marvin Williams, an as-cold-as-usual P.J.
Hairston will tend to bring down your assist numbers despite all efforts),
and Frank Kaminsky played really well off the bench, leading some to wonder
why he wasn't on the court down the stretch. I'm not sure if that's as much
"some" as it was "me," but I was definitely wondering why The Tank didn't get
a little more burn later in the game, especially after he had established his
inside-out game quite nicely.
黃蜂不太能適應, 所以打出了本季最慘的29.3%團隊三分以及34.9%團隊出手命中率; 有
些人打得不錯, 林書豪在場上打得很有效率(他早早就落入犯規麻煩中, 三分鐘三次犯規
裁判這樣吹很爽嗎?), Kemba盡其所能的幫助球隊攻勢運轉(即便跟他一起在場上的隊友
是手感普普的Batum, 手感冰涼的M.Williams, 以及手感一直冰涼並且會讓你的助攻數據
老是往下修的Hairston). Kaminsky從板凳出發打的真的很好, 好到讓某些人質疑為什麼
關鍵時刻他沒能在場上發揮, 我不太確定我說的某些人多不多, 但他今天inside-out打
Outside of the players who maintained their positions on opposite poles,
there wasn't a lot to write about in terms of individual Hornets players
tonight. Cody Zeller looked as solid as usual. Troy Daniels played, in what
might be a case to take some of Hairston's minutes, or might be a case of
"we're not playing Lin for the rest of the first half if he's got three
fouls." Brian Roberts got into the game.
It was an ugly game against a more talented team whose gameplan revolves
around getting their opponents to play ugly basketball. Those things happen
every now and then. I wouldn't be too worried about this loss in particular,
but the Hornets have been struggling as of late. Perhaps it's natural
regression, perhaps it's bad luck, perhaps it's the loss of an important
starter in Al Jefferson, or perhaps it's just one of those things that every
team goes through (except the Warriors, but they're cheating, so they don't
count). No matter what, I'm a little concerned about where the Hornets go for
the rest of the season. They're still three games above .500, but they are
certainly trending downward, and I'd love to see that trend reversed as soon
as possible.
這是場難看的比賽, 對上一支更有天賦卻有著迫使對手一起打難看籃球的比賽策略的火
箭隊, 我不會太擔心今天的輸球, 比較要擔心的是最後時刻的反攻乏力, 無論原因是什
麼, 我頗在意黃蜂要用怎樣的方式繼續本季剩下的比賽, 現在雖然還比五成勝率高出三
場, 但趨勢向下啊大佬, 很希望快點看到趨勢反轉豪噴向上啊
作者: eileen86 (兜圈)   2015-12-22 16:50:00
作者: casman (卡)   2015-12-22 16:51:00
作者: jamesyu545   2015-12-22 16:51:00
不客氣的說一句 裁判對於Harden的摸毛吹判真是垃圾
作者: royehou (roye)   2015-12-22 16:52:00
作者: casman (卡)   2015-12-22 16:52:00
作者: Rocksolid (~硬梆梆~)   2015-12-22 16:52:00
作者: SaChiA5566 (煞氣ㄟ5566)   2015-12-22 16:53:00
作者: WYchuang (愛賴床的黃金獵犬)   2015-12-22 16:56:00
作者: qqq1397 (渾汲噩營)   2015-12-22 17:06:00
作者: pipapipa75 (海海)   2015-12-22 17:07:00
作者: miha80425 (ohsialay)   2015-12-22 17:09:00
只有噁爛感 今天沒看比賽千萬別看重播 避免引發嘔吐
作者: doubleee (EEEE)   2015-12-22 17:15:00
作者: BigJ (可樂北極熊)   2015-12-22 17:19:00
我也去看原文了 XD
作者: ghostxx (aka0978)   2015-12-22 17:20:00
推 這場比賽太可笑了 而且球團完全不能檢討質疑裁判
作者: rexxon (我要成為CP王)   2015-12-22 17:31:00
我也去看原文了 XD 同上上樓跟上上上樓
作者: Landius (原來我是漆原派啊)   2015-12-22 17:40:00
老實說我完全不能瞭解把比賽搞這麼難看是為了啥?夏洛特媒體: "我生氣了啊佛力渣!!"
作者: ACEFUCK (ACE)   2015-12-22 18:07:00
作者: turbomons (Τ/taʊ/)   2015-12-22 18:20:00
Phenomenal Referees對鬍子沒意見 覺得這是聯盟裁判造成的現象
作者: p800917 (喜德)   2015-12-22 18:24:00
作者: uuilee (lee)   2015-12-22 18:44:00
作者: kkk22805385 (Butterlion)   2015-12-22 18:54:00
肯巴:古有鄧肯微笑吃T 今有我肯巴再吃一T
作者: WilsonTsao   2015-12-22 19:14:00
作者: wuling1001 (加油ㄚ!!)   2015-12-22 19:18:00
感謝翻譯! 重播還是看一下 朝聖金身王
作者: JBGPOIU (鈞)   2015-12-22 19:37:00
作者: casman (卡)   2015-12-22 19:49:00
重播看不下去= =
作者: conqueror507 (冷箭)   2015-12-22 19:58:00
剛一查還真的有,大家可以去Youtube搜尋,James Harden flop他從雷霆時期就開始精通假摔最後演化成這一手要飯神功==
作者: blue7409   2015-12-22 20:31:00
作者: conqueror507 (冷箭)   2015-12-22 20:45:00
作者: mamimi (攢RP)   2015-12-22 20:54:00
為了那句跑去看原文+1 XD
作者: nosna (天然呆)   2015-12-22 20:56:00
看原文+1 (翻的很傳神XD )
作者: qazxswptt (...)   2015-12-22 21:28:00
Lin明明守鬍子守的他施展不開 卻輸給了空氣犯規 噁比賽
作者: zero4 (zero4)   2015-12-22 21:50:00
看標題差點直接噓下去 XD
作者: littlehouse (小房子)   2015-12-22 22:50:00
作者: donnylee (制服OL控)   2015-12-23 01:52:00
作者: bhmok (無限的可能)   2015-12-23 08:26:00
還好本季只剩一場bb賽 多幾場會以為看的是娘球
作者: drgraffiti (好久沒來了)   2015-12-23 08:44:00
作者: Landius (原來我是漆原派啊)   2015-12-23 09:01:00
作者: jamesyu545   2015-12-23 09:02:00
第四節也吹得很爛好不好, 有黑哨 也有 補哨
作者: casman (卡)   2015-12-23 09:10:00
以為用第四節的補哨可以平衡一下前三節, 只有更莫名其妙
作者: donnylee (制服OL控)   2015-12-23 10:14:00
作者: ts0821 (想要度假)   2015-12-23 12:02:00
作者: Mondesi2006 ( )   2015-12-23 19:31:00
當裁判的親戚小孩 買彩劵賺的機率應該比一般人大吧
作者: cp9 (桂)   2015-12-24 09:14:00

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