supa (supa)
2016-02-13 13:46:26http://www.gq.com/story/jeremy-lin-nba-hair-interview
Q: Doesn’t that stuff sting when it gets in your eyes when you're playing?
What’s your secret?
當你在打球時,髮膠碰到眼睛不會刺刺的嗎? 你的秘訣是什麼?
A: Yeah, you just shove the gel, so mine stays up. Once I get it up, it doesn't
bother me at all. It never comes down.
Q: What kind of gel are you using?
I use Spiker from the brand J-O-I-C-O. I don't know how to pronounce it.
我用 JOICO牌子的Spiker,我不知道怎麼唸那個牌子。
Q: Are they your unofficial sponsor for the season?
A: Nah, I just use that gel. I don't have a sponsorship or anything with them.
Actually, I'm not even—I think they know I use their gel.
Q: Do you just take a tub with you on the road wherever you go at this point?
A: They're in small bottles, so I might take one. One bottle will last me
probably, like...seven to ten games.
Q: Last week you had a big game against the Cavs when you wore the side-swept
look. When you have a really good game like that, do you feel more inclined
to wear your hair like that more? Does superstition factor in at all?
你上星期打騎士打得很好,你那時是用旁分髮型 (side-swept look)。
當你打了場像那樣的好球,你有比較想多用那個髮型嗎? 迷信會影響髮型嗎?
A: Actually, no, probably the opposite. Regardless of how I play, I just like
changing it up all the time. It's funny because earlier in the year, people
would be like, "Oh, you gotta do this style if you played well," or "you
gotta do that style if you played well." But I'm actually even more inclined
to [re-wear] a style that let's say I didn't play well on so I can, uh,
rectify the situation. [laughs] But no real superstition. I just do whatever.
這東西很好笑,因為年初的時候,別人會說 "喔,你如果打得好,就要用這個髮型"
或者 "你如果打得好,就要用那個髮型"。
可是我反而更想用我打不好的髮型,我才可以洗白那個髮型 (笑)。
Q: My favorite one that you had was the mini man bun that you pulled back a
little bit. Is there anything you won't do? Would you rock cornrows? Would
you dye your hair blond and go full Super Saiyan?
有甚麼(髮型)你不會弄得嗎? 你會染成金色 (白人金髮blonde)當超級賽亞人嗎?
A: I'm about to do a little bit of everything. I'm just getting started and have
a lot of other things I wanna do, but it's not long enough right now.
Q: How long are you trying to grow it?
A: I haven't decided yet, but it'll probably be pretty long at some point.
Q: The last few seasons with the Rockets and Lakers have been a little more
tumultuous for your career, but you seem to have found this stable role in
Charlotte where you're right at home. I can’t help but notice that now your
hair's all crazy...
...can you indulge me and pretend there's a deeper meaning here?
A: I think this just may be a sign of where I'm at. Like, personally, just being
able to enjoy everything a little more. I think when I was younger, I
probably wouldn't have been so free or loose with my hair, or whatever it
might be. I think at this point I'm just really in a place where I feel like
I'm… I'm... [pauses] I'm able to enjoy and appreciate God's blessing in
putting me here in the NBA, versus in years past [when I wasn't] really able
to enjoy that ’cause I was so fixated on what I needed to do or accomplish.
So I think the whole hair thing is just an example of that.
Q: Have your parents said anything about it to you?
A: I've definitely had several stern conversations with my parents. Once they
realized that it wasn't having any effect on me, they kind of gave up.
Q: So you didn't have any of these haircuts growing up?
A: I had a mushroom cut when I was a little kid growing up. And I pretty much
had the standard Asian cut for all of high school and a faux hawk for, like,
five years.
Q: When you go in the locker room before a game, do you have your mind made up
already on how you’re going to wear your hair? Or do you wing it?
比賽前你就決定要用甚麼髮型嗎? 還是當下才決定?
A: The only time where I'll have it planned out before is if someone requests
it. So, like, when I go to D.C., my friend in D.C. will want me to do this
style, but when I go home, one of my homies from home will want me to do this
style. So I just change it up based on whatever city I'm playing in. If
there's a friend there that'll specifically want something, I'll do it. If
not, then I'll just figure it out and do whatever I feel like.
Sometimes—a lot of times—I ask Spencer Hawes. He makes a lot of the
decisions on what I should do, and he gives me a lot of pointers. So if I'm
ever at a point where I really don't know what to do and I don't have any
friends at that city, he'll usually be like, "Alright, do this," and that's
what I might end up doing.
很多時候我會問Spencer Hawes,他幫我決定了很多我的髮型。
Q: Has he ever requested anything and you're like, "Nah, dog, I'm not gonna
touch that?"
有沒有對他的要求說過 "不要啦,兄弟,我不要弄那個"?
A: He requested the side part, which I refused to do for a while, but then I
ended up doing it.
Q: Why were you so against the side part?
A: Oh, not the side part. The middle part.
喔!不是邊邊,是中間 (中分?)
Q: Oh, like the Boy Meets World ’90s joint or whatever.
喔,像淘小子看世界(Boy Meets World)的髮型?
Yeah, exactly.
Q: Dude, that's coming back this year! I don't know, I think you should think
about rocking it more.
今年又開始流行那個耶! 我覺得你應該多用那髮型!
A: We'll see, we'll see.
Q: Is there anything we can expect for your next game against the Wizards?
A: I think I'm gonna go mohawk ’cause I haven't done it in a while. I mean, a
big reason I haven't done it is I ran out of gel on the road trip, so tonight
I'll probably just do the mohawk ’cause I got more gel.
[Ed. note: He went with the side part.]
(筆者補充: 他用了旁分)
Q: Do you feel like having the offensive weapon that is your spiky mohawk makes
you bolder offensively?
A: No, but it allows the refs to see if I get fouled a little more clearly.
[laughs] Because it waves a little when you get hit? Helps you get noticed?
因為頭髮被打到會震動一下嗎? 讓你比較容易被發現?