Walker has very mixed emotions about Lin signing with the Brooklyn Nets.
"I hate to see him go, but at the same time I’m definitely happy for him,"
Walker said. "He deserves to be a starter in this league. He’s such a great
player and he proved that last season. There were games where I was off and
he carried the team."
對於林書豪跟籃網簽約, Walker有著非常複雜的情緒, 他說....
我討厭看到他離開, 但同時我絕對替他高興
他是如此好的球員, 並且上一季他也證明了自己
上一季有許多場比賽我熄火了手感不好, 是他跳出來carry我們黃蜂的 另外附上Batum的看法
Batum said "It's huge for Hornets losing Jeremy Lin. He's a great player."
不再是簽了大約後, ex-teammate脫口說出"Ridiculous"了 (大心)
Kemba we all love you~~ 希望新球季你也能有好的表現~~