df31 (DF-31)
2016-03-18 17:50:39推 ieoboy: 簡單來說,子的人性是在創世前父預定所造,並在父ㄧ切預定 03/11 01:05
→ ieoboy: 創造以先,而後在馬利亞腹中取了人性(人性納入神性),並進 03/11 01:05
→ ieoboy: 入肉身成為人的樣式。 03/11 01:05
推 ieoboy: 所以箴8:22 way(造作)的原意是否就是指造物,就很重要, 03/11 07:05
→ ieoboy: 老魚弟兄有相關資料嗎? 03/11 07:05
Strong’s原文碼就很清楚. way的原文是:
From H1869; a road (as trodden); figuratively a course of life or mode of
action, often adverbially: - along, away, because of, + by, conversation,
custom, [east-] ward, journey, manner, passenger, through, toward, [high-]
[path-] way [-side], whither [-soever].
A primitive root; to tread; by implication to walk; also to string a bow (by
treading on it in bending): - archer, bend, come, draw, go (over), guide,
lead (forth), thresh, tread (down), walk.
的意思.例如john gill的解釋則是:"as he was "in the beginning of his way" of
creation, when he went forth in his wisdom and power, and created all things;"
明顯的,way跟道做為創造時神的智慧和能力有關.Gill還說:" and "in the beginning
of his way" of grace, which was before his way of creation"這則是把way與恩典連
Pro 8:22 The LORD possessed me (1)in the beginning of his way, before (2)his
works of old.
另外,亞他那修在<Four Orations>2.22.51說到:
51 (continued). For the passage in the Proverbs, as I have said before,
signifies, not the Essence, but the manhood of the Word; for if He says that
He was created ‘for the works,’ He shews His intention of signifying, not
His Essence, but the Economy which took place ‘for His works,’ which comes
second to being. For things which are in formation and creation are made
specially that they may be and exist2541, and next they have to do whatever
the Word bids them, as may be seen in the case of all things. For Adam was
created, not that He might work, but that first he might be man; for it was
after this that he received the command to work. And Noah was created, not
because of the ark, but that first he might exist and be a man; for after
this he received commandment to prepare the ark. And the like will be found
in every case on inquiring into it;—thus the great Moses first was made a
man, and next was entrusted with the government of the people. Therefore here
too we must suppose the like; for thou seest, that the Word is not created
into existence, but, ‘In the beginning was the Word,’ and He is afterwards
sent ‘for the works’ and the Economy towards them. For before the works
were made, the Son was ever, nor was there yet need that He should be
created; but when the works were created and need arose afterwards of the
Economy for their restoration, then it was that the Word took upon Himself
this condescension and assimilation to the works; which He has shewn us by
the word ‘He created.’ And through the Prophet Isaiah willing to signify
the like, He says again: ‘And now thus saith the Lord, who formed me from
the womb to be His servant, to gather together Jacob unto Him and Israel, I
shall be brought together and be glorified before the Lord2542