[情報] 投票!決定倫倫的戲分!

作者: hontashi (呆魚夏天吃西瓜)   2011-04-13 12:56:46
http://t.cn/hrJv9e (PK愛情 MSN官網 投票所在地XDDD)
請大家有MSN帳號的人卡緊登錄發言(全世界MSN帳號通用喔 台灣MSN帳號也通!),
(提示:标准答案Ian&Xiao Yi Ian是倫倫劇中名字^ ^ )
以下另po PK愛情MSN官網的投票介紹:
我來說 Have Your Say
首部網路浪漫偶像劇《PK愛情》,讓你來當導演! Get ready to play Director
從4月4日起,xinmsn獨家網上播放。Starting 4 April, exclusively on xinmsn.
1. 在《PK愛情》中,你最期待哪一位藝人的演出? Ans:黃靖倫!
Whose performance are you most looking forward to in Let's Play Love?
你想參與《PK愛情》的劇情發展? 現在有機會啦!
Let's Play Love is a romance idol drama series where YOU, the viewers, are
given the opportunity to shape some of the special moments of the show.
Vote for your preferred scenarios in the topics of the week and comment in
"Have Your Say" section and watch the story unfold the way you want it to!
The web-drama will broadcast in blocks of five episodes, then break for one
week for the filming of the following fives episodes based on viewers' input.
Watch it first on xinmsn on 4 April 2011 and be the first to vote on the same
day. So roll up your sleeves and get ready to play Director!
請大家發揮力量讓倫倫回國拍的第一部戲 戲分多多表現多多 ~
朋友有MSN帳號的也請他們登入投倫倫一票吧^ ^
作者: binlawa (binlawa)   2011-04-13 13:11:00
有投有波比 謝謝可愛的H大
作者: kawailun (千千)   2011-04-13 13:23:00
謝謝H大!along也在喔~ (揮個手)XD
作者: imff12 (不驚不驚)   2011-04-13 18:07:00

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