goler (珠江的思念遺落)
2007-01-30 15:27:23※ 引述《andychu (豬...)》之銘言:
: Hi guys,
哈囉 各位
: Sorry, I know this entry is long overdue.
我知道我已經很久沒上來留言了 真的很對不起
: I’ve been back in Singapore for nearly 2 weeks now and honestly,
: though I had not been working, but somehow or rather,
: there are lots of things to settle and do!
但不知為什麼 其實我還得去安頓很多事情
: The trip to Taiwan was an all-over-again experience for me.
這一趟台灣的宣傳之旅對我來說 等於是個重新來過的體驗之旅
: Settling in the new hostel, walking up 4 storeys everyday, doing chores…
: trying my best to react fast in variety shows
另外得努力適應各式各樣的綜藝節目 讓自己反應變快一些
: (yes, I admit I’m kinda slow and not really used to their variety culture
: yet…though they are really quite interesting),
(對啦,我承認對台灣綜藝節目有點適應不良 雖然這些節目都有好玩
: taking the challenge in becoming a street artiste, constant re-adaptation to
: Taipei’s erratic weather… yes, it was back to basics again.
: Whether the reports on paper made you feel I’m unlucky or not this time round,
: the truth is, it doesn’t really matter.
不管成績好壞 讓我感覺到這次發片結果是幸還是不幸
: There will always be ups and downs at work.
: What matter most will always be my mission to sing.
: Like what Lucille Ball says:
就像Lucille Ball說的:
: “Luck? I don’t know anything about luck. I’ve never banked on it,
幸運?我不知道幸運是什麼東西 但我做事從不怠惰
: and I’m afraid of people who do. Luck to me is something else:
我不知道人是為何而戰 但幸運對我來說應該是:
: Hard work—and realizing what is opportunity and what isn’t.”
: Yup, and so it is. Life is about that.
是啊 這句話說的沒錯 生命本來這是像Ball所說的一樣
: Even though at times when I feel lonely and disappointed about certain things,
: I know I just gotta get my butt moving and stop thinking about
: such stuff anymore!
但我不會因為沒有得到 就去鑽牛角尖胡思亂想
: And so my album says, “I can’t fall, I won’t fall, I don’t want to fall!”
所以我的專輯標題 "我不能倒 我不會倒 我不要倒"
: Sometimes I think it’s really not about falling,
: it’s about getting up from the fall.
意思大概就是,跌倒並不可恥 但最重要的是如何從跌倒當中重新站起來
: And as I repeat my mission once more:
: It really is about singing and reaching out to the masses AND be happy :D
藉由我的歌聲傳遞 能夠讓所有人感到溫暖的光芒
: Love,
: Joi
愛你們的 淳佳
: PS: Many thanks to the Taiwan media, record company and friends
: who helped to promote my album zillions!
: Album has been on charts for weeks!
: Your words meant a great deal to me and I appreciate that. Thanks again!
PS:再次感謝台灣的媒體 唱片公司 與支持我的專輯得朋友
你的一字一語都是支持我的最大力量 真的非常感激 再次感謝大家
: PPS: Next on my schedule is my publicity trip to China. China, here I come!
PPS: 我想下一個公開行程應該就是到中國大陸宣傳吧 中國!我來了