2020轉眼間已經要接近尾聲了,還沒想好今年冬天有甚麼計畫嗎? 快來加入Lighthouse
Camps的小小冬令營,今年我們加入許多好玩又有創意的課程解除你的煩悶!!! 想成為同
伴中最有創意的發明家嗎? 那就快來一起!
What's your plan this Christmas and New Year? Lighthouse Camps just open for
winter camp registration. Come join us and celebrate together!
開課項目 Courses avaiable:
程式設計 Coding: Kano, Python, JavaScript, CSS/HTM>, Micro:bit, Scratch, Minecraft, Kano
傳播藝術 Language Arts:Drama, Journalism, Ancient Greece, Youtuber, Art, TED Ed Student Talk
數學科學 Math and Science: AMC Math, Amazon Rainforest, Human Anatomy
外語 Foreign Language: Spanish, Chinese for Heritage Speakers
運動 Sports: Tennis
冬令營日期 Winter Camp Dates:
Session 1: 12/21 - 12/25, 2020 (5-day camp)
Session 2: 12/28 - 12/31, 2020 (4-day camp)
Session 3: 1/4 - 1/8, 2021 (5-day camp)
寒假營隊日期 Lunar New Year Camp Dates:
Session 1: 1/20 - 1/22, 2021
Session 2: 1/25 - 1/29, 2021
Session 3: 2/1 - 2/5
ession 4: 2/8-2/9, 2021
地點 Camp Location:
Zhongxiao Dunhua (忠孝敦化)
Tianmu (天母)
更多資訊 More Details https://www.lighthousecamps.com/schedule.html
Contact: Email:[email protected] call at +886-2-77187660, or Line