
作者: tintin714 (ytc)   2021-01-12 12:46:33
農曆年有甚麼計劃呢? 萊特豪斯農曆新年營隊將於1/20開課啦! 以下課程還有名額可以報
What’s your plan for the Lunar New Year? Lighthouse Camps’ 2021 Lunar New
Year camps start on Jan. 20 to Feb. 19. There are still seats available for
the following courses. Welcome to join us! We also offer customized private
group courses for 3+ students and the time & location is up to you.
CNY Session 1: 1/20-1/22
Kano Computer 程式設計 5-7 yrs
Kano Computer 程式設計 5-7 yrs
CNY Session 2: 1/25-1/29
Creative Cadet 程式設計 5-7 yrs
Human Anatomy 人體構造 8-12 yrs
Ancient Greece 古希臘文化 5-7 yrs
Human Anatomy 人體構造 8-12 yrs
CNY Session 3 2/1-2/5
Art: Greece Myths (in Chinese) 希臘神話的藝術 (中文授課) 5-12 yrs
Chinese for Heritage Speakers 5-12 yrs
CNY Session 4 2/8-2/9
Tennis 網球 5-12 yrs
CNY Session 5 2/17-2/19
Tennis 網球 5-12 yrs
Chinese for Heritage Speakers 5-12 yrs
Online Registration 報名農曆年營隊 http://bit.ly/LHC2021CNYCamp
Location 授課地點: Zhongxiao Dunhua 忠孝敦化
Time時間: Morning 0930-1230 Afternoon 13:30-16:30
For more information, please check our website www.lighthousecamps.com or
contact us via Email to [email protected], call at
+886-2-77187660, or Line (@183liwzg)
更多資訊,請參考我們的網站 www.lighthousecamps.com, 也
歡迎用 Email ([email protected])、電話+886-2-77187660, 或是 Line
(@183liwzg) 與我們聯繫!

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