licheer (Keep The Faith)
2016-06-05 15:38:21微軟滑鼠內建的功能,可執行magnify.exe放大畫面
1) Make a keyboard shortcut to start the Magnifier program:
In Programs->Windows Ease of Access -> Right click on Magnifier, and select
properties. Under the tab Shortcut, make your own unique shortcut, and
remember this. (For instance I used "Ctrl + Alt + i" ).
2) Assign the shortcut you just created, to a button in the Logitech software.
Pressing this button now launches the Magnifier program
3) Assign the "Windowskey + Escape" shortcut to another button in the
Logitech software.
Pressing this button will close the Magnifier program
到了Win10,也整合到Windows key了
Windows Key+plus — zoom in using the Magnifier utility.
Windows Key+minus — zoom out using the Magnifier utility.