ClixTW (ClixTW)
2023-06-30 15:57:23※ 引述《ClixTW ()》之銘言:
: 最近下定決心解決APEX轉視角的卡頓問題,各種除錯後才發現是輪詢率的問題,
: 然後更發現這不只是APEX,而是整個系統的問題……
New! This update improves your computer’s performance when you use a mouse
that has a high report rate for gaming. To learn more, see “Reduced game
stutter with high report rate mice” in Delivering Delightful Performance for
More Than One Billion Users Worldwide.
We set out to reduce the amount of processing time it took to handle input
requests by throttling and coalescing background raw mouse listeners and
capping their message rate. Prior to these changes, we observed on a Surface
Laptop Studio with a 1000 Hz mouse, a test bed of background listeners, and
popular games that there was significant stutter. After the improvements, on
the same setup, we now deliver a smooth, uninterrupted gaming experience and
preserve the low latency, high precision input experience in games while
being efficient with input for background listeners!