先附上連結: http://tv.jtbc.joins.com/trailer/pr10010514/pm10044942/vo10204926/view 等了整整一個禮拜! 終於禮拜一了, 這部劇讓我開始期待每個禮拜一:) 對最近的我來說, 禮拜一不是藍色的,而是輕飄飄的粉紅色啊啊啊啊啊!! 預告的台詞對話,目前找到英文論壇有版友的翻譯(出自 https://forums.soompi.com/en/topic/406832-current-drama-2017-2018-just-between -lovers) 附上英文翻譯段落: At a street vendor, MS gets a hot red bean bun, and gives half of it to GD bef ore digging in) GD: You eat so prettily. MS: Hm? GD: For being so cute, you’ve worked hard. (This means - For being so cute, I thank you.) GD: I thought you weren’t hungry? (MS just nods as she’s eating.) Seeing you today was a real relief. MS: Me, too. MS: Oh? Why are you here? GD: Why would I be? MS: Are you leaving? GD: Yes, I have something to do. Oh, later, we have to see each other, even if it’s just for a moment. MS: Why? GD: Today, I’m going to look frighteningly handsome. (leaves) GD: Why? Am I too good looking? (MS eagerly nods. ) I told you, that I was goi ng to look handsome. (GD approaches MS…and is interrupted by SM bursting in) SM: Moon Soo-sshi, look at me! Hyung bought me clothes… (realizing) Oh, do it ! Go ahead and finish what you were doing. (SM turns around and speaks Chinese. Sorry, no idea what he’s saying. Then le aves. ) MS: I said it was alright. GD: That’s good. Then, I’ll have to take it all away with me. (KISS!) 我反倒是善滿說的中文很難懂啊 我猜善滿應該是說: 「我發現自己真的很沒用, 一見到就臉紅,(感謝推文網友指正,應是:就只知道練功) 又能怎麼樣。」