[問題] What is easy payment> Mr. Tong

作者: ecin   2014-07-09 13:17:46
Because I plan buy the airplane ticket from Korea.
But I only have the VISA that not suit their Korea pay card.
I see the web site . Another Easy Paymengt Mr. Tong?
What is it? I google it .But get the download with Andriod APP????
I use the iphone and windows computer?
Howwwwwww? to resolve it...
THanks evrybody
作者: ecin   2014-07-09 13:48:00
or paypin????
作者: kkum (沒關係,是載烈啊)   2014-07-09 15:28:00
這篇我實在看不懂 囧 原po去不成日本之後是打算回台灣了還是要???
作者: ryona1118 (Gin Gin)   2014-07-11 03:29:00
作者: iamsun (太陽花)   2014-07-13 01:27:00

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