Re: [問題] 有關全真粗明體沒辦法使用的原因?

作者: deryann (星辰)   2015-04-14 16:43:38
※ 引述《deryann (星辰)》之銘言:
: 想請教大家常常有很多全真的或者是文鼎的字體
: 沒有辦法被編譯的原因
: \setCJKmainfont{全真特明體}
: DVI-to-PDF Converter 已經停止運作~
: 應該要怎麼處理呢?
我直接使用檔名有以下的log 仍然造成 DVI-to-PDF Converter 已經停止運作~
(Template.out) (Template.out)
ABD: EveryShipout initializing macros
Requested font "[avsmv.ttf]/OT" at 68.0pt
-> ./avsmv.ttf
Missing character: There is no in font [avsmv.ttf]/OT!
* fontspec warning: "script-not-exist"
* Font 'avsmv.ttf' does not contain script 'CJK'.
. fontspec info: "defining-font"
. Font family 'avsmv.ttf(0)' created for font 'avsmv.ttf' with options
. [Script={CJK}].
. This font family consists of the following shapes:
. * 'normal' with NFSS spec.:
. <->"[avsmv.ttf]/OT:"
. * 'small caps' with NFSS spec.:
. and font adjustment code:
Requested font "[avsmv.ttf]/OT:" at 68.0pt
-> ./avsmv.ttf
Missing character: There is no in font [avsmv.ttf]/OT:!
Missing character: There is no 測 in font [avsmv.ttf]/OT:!
Missing character: There is no 試 in font [avsmv.ttf]/OT:!
Missing character: There is no 用 in font [avsmv.ttf]/OT:!
Missing character: There is no 字 in font [avsmv.ttf]/OT:!
作者: andrew43 (討厭有好心推文後刪文者)   2015-04-14 16:59:00
作者: rogerli   2015-04-14 17:23:00

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