※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1J_0TEj8 ]
作者: lovemelissa (冰雪奇緣) 看板: NBA
標題: [新聞] 科比談論下賽季湖人隊
時間: Tue Aug 26 12:04:27 2014
原文很長 僅節錄最後一段
" I hear people say,' They don't have a champion team.'
Yeah, maybe from your perspective. But if Boozer does this,
Jordan Hill does that, Lin adds that. What's the best way
to put all those pieces together and use them to win ?
That's the puzzle to figure out, and if we can figure
out the puzzle , we'll shock a lot of people."
老大點名了 ! 那麼究竟老大跟湖人隊教練能否解開勝利方程式之謎
然後讓很多人大吃一驚呢 ?
10.29開季後老大一定會讓大家跌破眼鏡 !