Nick Young will return to the court Friday but will be limited to running
for at least five weeks, coach Byron Scott said.
On Thursday, however, Scott introduced a slightly faster schedule. He said
Young will likely be able to practice in five weeks with a splint on the
thumb, and could return to games two weeks later.
But for now, there will be a lot of conditioning. Young was not at Thursday’
s shoot around, and Scott joked it was because he knew what was coming.
“I think that’s why he’s not out here today,” Scott said. “He wants to
hide from me.”
Scott 說 Young 將在禮拜六重新開始跑步訓練,至少持續五週。
他認為 Young 應該5週後就能練習,7週後就能出賽。
所以對於 Young 來說就是一海票體能訓練,而他今天沒有現身。
Scott表示:「我想這就是他今天不出現的原因,他想躲著我。」 (神經病才出現 XD)