[外電] 瘋狗 Mark Madsen為湖人帶來滿滿能量

作者: kmwace (kmw)   2014-12-15 01:11:59
Assistant coach Mark Madsen brings a positive charge to Lakers
In a Lakers season measured mostly by the number of tedious losses, while
players sulked over losing their starting jobs and Kobe Bryant reamed out
teammates for being softer than the cushiest of toilet tissue, one ray of
sunshine has pierced the gloom.
That shining light is Mark Madsen, who is well on his way toward being known
as much, much more than the "Mad Dog" who played few but intense minutes on
some outstanding Lakers teams and earned legions of fans for his absurdly
goofy dance gyrations during their championship celebrations in 2001 and 2002.
那耀眼的光芒是Mark Madsen,除了他在湖人隊曾經以瘋狗之名在有限的時間上表現強烈
"I'm flattered that people say hello to me. I'm flattered that people
remember me at all," he said, smiling.
After spending last season as the Lakers' player development coach under Mike
D'Antoni, Madsen was promoted to an assistant job by new Coach Byron Scott.
Madsen scouts eight other teams — the same task as fellow assistants Jim
Eyen and Paul Pressey — as well as working with the Lakers' big men and
being a liaison between the analytics and coaching staffs. All of those are
vital roles.
跟其他助教Jim Eyen, Paul Pressey一樣各負責其他八支球隊,在湖人跟各個大頭工作
But Madsen's most important job might be one he took on naturally, if
unofficially: he has become an island of optimism and cheer to a team that
sorely needs both. The mere mention of Madsen's name can make Scott smile, a
rare occasion these days
Madsen has had the same impact on players, who respected him for who he was
on the floor and now hold him in high regard as a coach."A team like us,
obviously,we've been struggling," said power forward Ed Davis, who has worked
more with Madsen than any other coach.
他依舊受人尊敬。"一支隊伍像這樣,很明顯的,我們很掙扎" 受Madsen指導最久的
Ed Davis這麼說到。
"You come into work and you have positive people, it makes the day go by a
little easier. If you come in and everyone is negative you wake up like,
'Man, I don't even want to go to work today. I don't want to do this. I don't
want to be around those negative people.' You enjoy being around him. He's
one of those guys who brings everyone up.
負面思想的人" 你在瘋狗旁邊可以很舒服,他是那種可以帶給人精神滿滿的人
Scott inherited Madsen but didn't have to keep him. Scott could have
installed his own guys. But in talking to Madsen, Scott saw several qualities
he wanted to have around.
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"He has such an unbelievable passion for the game, and that's how he was as a
player," Scott said last week. "I remembered him as a player — hard-nosed,
tough, played just as hard as anybody, with a bunch of energy, and I thought
he would bring that same thing to a coaching staff as well. That's exactly
what he's done.
(* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"`'*-.,_,.-*'`"*-.,_☆,~正面能量
"He's very diligent in what he does when he's scouting a team. Very
matter-of-fact about certain things. But every day he brings a very positive
attitude and positive energy to the staff and to the players. That's what I
love about him."
(* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"`'*-.,_,.-*'`"*-.,_☆,~正面能量
Madsen's upbeat attitude isn't an act. But it's pretty nearly miraculous,
given the Lakers' motley roster and inconsistent commitment to playing
defense."We all have our down days. I have my down days, too," he said after a
practice last week. "And I try to put an optimistic view on things and move
To do that, he thinks of the mantra adopted by San Antonio Coach Gregg
Popovich, taken from a quote by journalist and social reformer Jacob Riis
about watching a stonecutter hammer away at a rock 100 times without a crack
showing. "Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know
it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before," Riis said.
為了做到這一點,他認為透過馬刺波波教練的口頭禪,從Jacob Riis所說的捶打石頭
The Spurs commemorated that perseverance on their 2014 championship rings
with a "Pounding the rock" symbol. "On my hard days I try to remind myself,
keep chipping away every single day. There will be a breakthrough at some
point. I don't know when," Madsen said.
Madsen made his own breakthrough by paying his dues. After his nine-year NBA
career, he spent a season as an assistant coach with the Utah Flash of the
NBA's Development League."You were asked to take on a lot of different roles.
Equipment manager. Travel guy. Drive the van. Watch video on players we might
draft or might sign as a free agent. You do everything," said Madsen, who also
filled in as a practice player once. "That was a great experience."
這是一個很好的經驗" Madsen說到。
He returned to his alma mater, Stanford, to get his MBA and be an assistant
to Coach Johnny Dawkins during the 2012-13 season. He was hired to coach the
Defenders, the Lakers' D-League team, but instead became the Lakers'
development coach.
他回到母校史丹佛,獲得MBA碩士學位,並成為Johnny Dawkins的助理教練,他也被聘為
His resume gave him automatic credibility. He enhanced it with his attitude.
"He's a very positive guy. Good to talk to. Good mentor. He played with the
best so he knows his stuff, and he's so vocal," center Jordan Hill said.
他的履歷自動讓他有公信力。 他用他的態度強化它。"他是一個非常積極的人,很好溝通
是個好導師。他曾經跟最好的隊友打球,所以他知道他的KNOW-HOW" Jordan Hill說到
Though Madsen now must wear jackets and slacks and carry a clipboard during
games, the geek still lives within him. So does the temptation to bust out
those dance moves again"Listen, if we are on that podium in June, if they want me to dance I'll
dance. If they want me to spin around, I'll spin around. I'll be ready to
go," he said.
Um, there's a difference between optimistic and delusional.
"I didn't necessarily say this June. The month of June, and I'm not ruling
anything out. In the month of June at some point, I'll be ready," he said.
Until then, he will cheerfully chip away, knowing the next hammer stroke
could be the one that makes the difference.
(* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"`'*-.,_,.-*'`"*-.,_☆,~正面能量 你怕了吧
作者: kb81 (世界和平)   2014-12-15 01:13:00
作者: romeomonkey (RomeoMonkey)   2014-12-15 01:31:00
推翻譯 大長篇阿~瘋狗真的很讚
作者: jamesyu545   2014-12-15 01:46:00
講到瘋狗就想到 Maddux
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(* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"`'*-.,_,.-*'`"*-.,_☆,~正面能量
作者: joveryant (運動才能健身!)   2014-12-15 11:48:00

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