The Lakers expressed a “ton” of interest in guard Goran Dragic, according
to an NBA source familiar with the situation. But the Lakers “just didn’t
have assets,” the league source said. Instead, the Phoenix Suns traded
Dragic and his brother, Zoran, to the Miami Heat for Danny Granger, Justin
Hamilton and two first-round picks. …
A person familiar with Dragic’s thinking said he “loves the opportunity”
to join the Lakers and sees them as a “perfect fit” when he becomes an
unrestricted free agent this summer. But the Heat can sign Dragic a five-year
deal worth up to $100 million, while other teams can offer up to a four-year
deal worth $80 million.
湖人對 Dragic 有極大興趣,只是沒有籌碼。
一位熟悉 Dragic 的人表示,Dragic 很高興有加入湖人的機會,他認為自己和湖人是