灰熊 湖人
Randolph<=>Nick Young+Ryan Kelly
※ 引述《blackjack928 (top dunker)》之銘言:
: Source: http://www.realtytoday.com/articles/45906/20151026/nba-news-trade-rumors-derrick-rose-taj-gibson-transfer-lakers.htm
: There seems to be no end for transfer rumors of some Chicago
: Bulls players' to the roster of Los Angeles Lakers. Lately
: the internet has been digesting so many rumors and possibilities
: of Bull's star player Derrick Rose to transfer to Lakers.
: The said rumor contains the idea of Lakers acquiring the Bulls
: point-guard in a possible two way process through which the
: Lakers may choose one. The first option according to christiantoday
: is for Lakers to pay a large amount for the service of Derrick Rose.
: On the other hand, Lakers could actually settle for a less pricey
: move but immersing into a multiplayer deal, possibly sacrificing
: Jordan Clarkson, Lou Williams, and Nick Young in the trade process.
: Aside from Derrick Rose being rumored to transfer to LA Lakers,
: another veteran player is speculated to be traded to Lakers.
: There are some circulating news about an impending departure of
: Chicago Bulls forward Taj Gibson in exchange for Brandon Bass come
: the February trade deadline.
: 原文頗長, 癈話也頗多, 所以簡單翻譯一下重點:
: 大概是說Rose這幾季的表現實在跟預期有不小的差距,
: 而Gibson現在還有兩年1800萬的合約, 讓他在公牛隊裡的地位也很尷尬
: 因為4號位已爆滿, 而百廢待興的湖人也需要一個新的明星(?)
: 故湖人跟公牛有可能會做這筆交易, 只是rose的薪資巨大
: 湖人要付出多少才能讓薪資對等呢?
: 心得: Rose+Gibson => Bass+Young+??+??
: 最近其實Rumor蠻多的..如果大家想看我在翻..zz